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Juan 'Mako' Juarez

Juan 'Mako' Juarez is a player character played by Whitehart.

Juan 'Mako' Juarez
Species: Nepleslian
Gender: Male
Age: YE 12
Height: 6'4“ (1.93m)
Weight: 225 lbs (102 kg)
Occupation: Tactical Infantry
Current Placement:

Physical Characteristics

Build and Skin Color: Juan is athletically muscular with a more natural build compared to being overly toned or defined. His dark olive colored skin is weathered due to the poor living conditions he has experienced.

Eyes and Facial Features: Slightly slanted brown eyes on a very rugged angular face. His nose is pointed and can easily be noted as having been broken in the past.

Hair Color and Style: Juan's black hair is kept shaven on the sides and just a little longer on the top. The crown of his head shows the beginnings of a bald spot. He keeps a trim, close cropped beard along his jawline

Distinguishing Features: A sports injury required Juan to replace his left knee cybernetically. Since then, he subconsciously has walked with a limp even though the cybernetic knee works better than his original. He was quick to get a tattoo on his upper right arm of a Mako shark once he earned the nickname.

Psychological Characteristics

Personality: Throughout his life Juan has a always been 'good' person. He stood up for the little person, had his friend's backs and was polite to almost everyone. Although he had always been competitive things seemed to change when he reached his college years.

No longer being the top player or the most popular seemed to flip a switch within Juan. His need for attention grew, which increased his competitive nature. He wanted to be known as the best, to have the attention he believed he deserved. He began to take more risks, to try new things. His need to be the brightest eclipsing an self restraint or preservation.

Although this attitude ultimately led to his life's major downfall, he still held on to some semblance of his former morals. Deep within Juan is still a 'good' person, although he sees life as more shades of grey. He is willing to break the law to sustain himself but is not overly cruel or malicious.




Juan grew up on Nepleslia in a rather upscale area. His family was well off due to his father's law practice. He grew up a touch spoiled and was consistently the de facto leader of the 'popular' clique in school though he was strictly not a bully. He was a very active and athletic child and quickly became a mainstay for his schools sports programs. He would play anything he could to assuage his 'win' personality.

His true calling in sports was as a quarterback which led him to his full scholarship at NSU. While a premiere player prior, he was relegated to above average status within the collegiate circuit. He was nicknamed 'Mako' for his predatory look and demeanor on the field. This nickname would stick with him even beyond college.

Juan graduated with a basic degree in Nepleslian law and no real forward hope of a professional sports career. He turned to something his athleticism and degree could work for him, the National Police Force of Nepleslia. He was an excellent candidate and quickly got fast tracked through the academy.

Life in the NPF was exciting and challenging for Juan. He was even recommended to be fast tracked to the IPG. The youngest ever in that particular precinct. All these opportunities fed Juan's ego but it would ultimately lead to his downfall. His desire to always be on top, the best there was led him to using and eventually abusing stimulants. It was the abuse that further ruined Juan. He started skimming from busts in both money and seized drugs. He was eventually caught, fired and prosecuted. It was thanks to his greatly disappointed father and a coincidental technicality that Juan avoided major prison time.

For a few years Juan could be found alone, often drunk or high or both. He was homeless and what little money he made he spent on his various vices. His skills stayed sharp though he had no reason to use them. He moved from one job to the next, a shadow of who he once was.

Fate found Juan back in Funky City and changed his life dramaticpo. While riding the waves of his latest high he heard a pleading yell for help from the streets outside his alley. This was Funky City however and most cries for help went ignored by the general public. Not completely sure what prompted him, the drugs, his former instincts or just happenstance but Juan shambled out and saw a man and a woman being beaten by some things in suits.

He jumped into action as if he was still on the force. He was able to save the couple from what was later deemed a poor attempt at a hit. Apparently the woman was the daughter of a low ranked official. With Juan back on the radar he was approached, albeit cautiously, to join the IPG for his potential. He was of course placed through an extensive rehab.




Strategy - Tactics/discipline

Knowledge - Nepleslian & Yamatain Law






Standard Wear

Public Wear






Juan 'Mako' Juarez is currently an Independent.

Total Savings Addition Subtraction Reason
6000 DA Starting Funds
5500 DA 500 DA Armor
4296 DA 1204 DA Weapons
3696 DA 600 DA Drugs
200 DA 3496 DA Gambling

OOC Discussion

Not Adoptable

Character Data
Character NameJuan 'Mako' Juarez
Character OwnerWhitehart
Character StatusInactive Player Character
4-round magazine capacity.