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Flirt Demios

Flirt Demios is a player character played by Charmaylarg.

Flirt Demios
Species & Gender: Nepleslian Female
Date of Birth: YE 20
Organization: Indipendent
Occupation: Smuggler
Current Placement:

Physical Description

Flirt Demios is an athletic and lithe woman, possessing a figure that blends a sensual build of modest curves and chest with generous hips, giving her a curvaceous silhouette. Despite her slender frame, Flirt possesses a good amount of muscle tone, a testament to her active lifestyle and former military training.

Her sharp facial features exude confidence, with high cheekbones and a defined jawline adding to her striking appearance only a few blemishes and barely noticeable off-color scars on her hands while her her long, silken ginger hair cascades down her back, often styled in intricate curls or braids. Her aquamarine eyes noticably sparkle with a hint of mischief, captivating those who dare to meet her gaze. Notably, Flirt bears no tattoos or cybernetic enhancements or augmentations prevalent in Nepleslia, preferring to keep her body free from such markings or until she finds something that calls to her.


Flirt Demios embodies the essence of mischief, a scoundrel through and through. True to her name, she's a shameless flirt, using her charm and wit to navigate the treacherous waters of the underworld. Quick-tempered and prone to bouts of impulsiveness, she's a force to be reckoned with when provoked, often resorting to brash actions to assert her dominance.

Alongside this, loyalty is a foreign concept to Flirt, who views betrayal as just another tool in her arsenal; Expecting it from others and using it liberally herself. Rarely forming deep connections with others, she keeps her distance, always suspicious of people's intentions. While not quite paranoid, she's acutely aware of the dangers lurking behind every smile from manipoulating and being manipulated herslef, a survival instinct honed by years of navigating the criminal underworld of silver tounges and quick-draws.

Despite her hardened exterior, Flirt harbors a soft spot for the downtrodden, particularly orphans or those affected by abandonment and neglect. Perhaps stemming from her own turbulent upbringing, she finds herself drawn to intervene in situations involving them or others like them like them, unable to turn a blind eye to the struggles of those genuinely less fortunate than herself. However, even her compassion has its limits. In a world where trust is a commodity traded sparingly, Flirt finds solace in the company of her fellow outcasts, often forming unlikely bonds with prostitutes, rouges, other smugglers and the like that she encounters in her travels. These fleeting connections offer a brief respite from the self-imposed loneliness that plagues her existence.

Despite her penchant for thievery and deception, Flirt is surprisingly miserly when it comes to spending money. Rarely parting with her hard-earned DA, she's a shrewd negotiator, always seeking out the cheapest deals and haggling for every advantage. Yet, for all her penny-pinching ways, she's easily swayed by pressure, often succumbing to the whims of those around her in moments of weakness or by weasly used-starship salesmen.


Flirt Demios, born Aubery Hennesy, entered the world as an orphan on Kennewes, a planet rife with turmoil and strife between the tensions of the Reds and Greens. Her parents, Nepleslian-Reds, were lost to her at a young age, leaving her with little memory of her early life before the civil war tore through her homeland.

Raised in various orphanages, Aubery received only the barest education, her future seemingly predestined by the corporate-sponsored institutions that sought to mold orphans into future employees. Yet, fate had other plans in store when the Kennewes Offensive erupted, plunging the planet into chaos.

With her orphanage shuttered and abandoned, Aubery found herself thrust into the harsh realities of street life, alongside a dozen or so of her fellow orphan-siblings. Together, they navigated the dangerous streets, resorting to theft, fighting, and scavenging to survive amidst the chaos of war. However, their luck eventually ran out when Aubery was caught stealing aid supplies meant for the rebuilding effort, leading to her imprisonment at a young age. Locked away for several years, Aubery's life took an unexpected turn when, at the age of 16, she was offered a chance at redemption through the Nepleslian Space Marine Corps in a parole hearing. Eager to leave her past behind, she seized the opportunity, throwing herself into the rigorous training required to become a pilot for various craft such as the corona gunship.

Though her time in the NSMC was short-lived, her fiery temper, honed by years of survival on the streets, proved both a blessing and a curse. While it served her well in combat, earning her accolades and promotions, it also led to her downfall when she assaulted a superior officer shortly after transfering in to the Star Navy in an attempt to become a starship-pilot, landing her back behind bars, this time in a military prison known as the swamp.

Spending two grueling years in cryogenic stasis within the confines of “The Swamp,” Aubery emerged with a reduced sentence, her spirit unbroken despite the hardships endured. Released from prison and discharged from the navy in YE-40, she found herself adrift once more, seeking purpose in the lawless expanse of space.

Through circumstance ending up employed to the Black Syndicate, Aubery carved out a niche for herself as a smuggler, navigating the shadowy underworld with cunning and guile. Eventually, she acquired her own ship, embracing the life of a free captain as she charted her own course through the stars under the new name of Flirt Demios.

However, her newfound freedom came at a cost when, in YE-46, Flirt's ship fell afoul of the NMX blockade in the Osman system, her attempt to smuggle Osmium intercepted by the relentless forces of the enemy.

Skills Learned

Flirt has the following skills:

Communications: Flirt is fluent in Trade, the universal language of commerce and communication across the Kikyo sector.

Starship Operations: Flirt is a seasoned pilot, capable of flying a starship with the skill and precision of a daredevil. While she may push the limits of her ship with her daring maneuvers, she also possesses the technical know-how to perform maintenance tasks and keep a vessel running smoothly amidst the rigors of space travel.

Fighting: Flirt is a deft gunslinger, wielding a pistol with deadly accuracy. Equally proficient with two, she's a force to be reckoned with in close ranged firefights. However, her skills in hand-to-hand combat or melee combat are less developed, preferring to keep her distance and rely on her gunslinging to overcome her adversaries.

Survival: With her roots in the streets of urban environments as a street rat, Flirt excels at blending into the shadows and disappearing into the bustling crowds of cities. Whether evading pursuers or navigating the labyrinthine alleyways of a metropolis, she's adept at going to ground and surviving in the concrete jungle.

Vehicles: Flirt's piloting skills extend beyond starships to encompass a wide range of vehicles. Whether it's a hoverbike, ground car, or even unconventional modes of transportation, she can fly just about anything that can get off the ground, navigating the skies and terrain with finesse.

Rogue: Flirt is a master of the streets, possessing a wealth of streetwise knowledge and the ability to navigate the seedy underbelly of society with ease. Her seductive charm and persuasive tongue make her a formidable manipulator, capable of charming her way out of sticky situations or swindling unsuspecting marks with her cunning. Additionally, she's a capable rogue, skilled in a variety of clandestine activities such as lockpicking, stealth, and infiltration, making her a valuable asset in any covert operation.

Inventory & Finance

Flirt has the following:


(Will make ship later)

OOC Information

This article was created on 2024/04/06 18:52 using the namespace template.

In the case charmaylarg becomes inactive:

Character Data
Character NameFlirt Demios
Character OwnerCharmaylarg
Character StatusWork In Progress
Character's HomeKennewes
Harm Limitinjuries only