Table of Contents

Keyul Aaeas

Keyul Aaeas is a Qakla in the Poku Degonjo Saeruo Wotanu Abokatinka Poku. Keyul is a Daho'a, Detis Goa'a serving aboard the HS-SG4-1a Yome Nuiqai (Wings of Hawk) Class Ship - WAP Yome Ismâopate (Searching Hawk) Plot. Keyul is an NPC controlled by GM Nashoba.

Keyul Aaeas
Species: Qakla
Gender: M
Age: 18
Height: 1.6m (5.25 feet)
Weight: 85 kg ( lbs)
Ruoka: Ruoka Sinloa
Jael: Tavi Fua Jael (Blood Tooth Sect)
Organization: Wotanu Abokatinka Poku
Occupation: Daho'a, Detis Goa'a
Rank: Sâvyjo'ka (Senior Apprentice)
Current Placement: WAP Yome Ismâopate
Galy'ka Galy'ka

Character Description

Keyul has a sinewy build and 164cm tall. He has light brown fur with black stripes, atop charcoal skin with

Keyul has been fitted with a Iginâ Yoqa (Neural Link).

Eyes and Facial Features: almond shaped pale blue eyes

Ears: triangular, pointed with tufts of black hair on the tips.

Distinguishing Features: an opposable thumb in the dewclaw position.

Boqatsou: “I am prepared to send you to Siamaka.”

History and Relationship Notes

Pre RP

Keyul grew up in the shadow of his brother. He listened to stories about his brother and his exploits. He was also very close to his Pialoi. She taught him how to use his Vit'taka (Plant Speech) talents. He rarely uses this gift in the presence of others, except for close friends.

As a Qakla he grew up with most people seeing him as inferior because of his birth.

Skill Areas

Knowledge: Clan Lore

Keyul since starting at the age of 5 was taught at the Ruohui Giba'te (Academies), the history of the clan, basic clan law, and traditions. They also received training in the history of their Ruoka (House) and Punla (Family). While at the Ruohui Giba'te (Academies) they were schooled in social interaction, customs and etiquette of their people. He is fluent in Takavonai (Language).


Keyul received initial training in Veltin-daho'te (Knife Fighting) in their home, and while at the Ruohui Giba'te (Academies). Their proficiency was measured in the Baqnor (move from youth).

Common Skills

Keyul received compulsory training in mathematics, finances and the basic operation of command clan equipment and basic use of Kynjodau'tajo Aorq'ka (Information Technology). Fluent in Takavonai (Language), and conversant in Trade.

Plant Speak

Keyul as a Qakla has an affinity towards plants and allows him the use of Vit'taka (Plant Speech) to a modest extent. He is able to use Telepathy well, but has limited Sense ability, and is skilled in the use and care of common Jodauvit (Think Plant).

Shipboard Life

All members of the clan spend time on ships, their world station is essentially a ship so these skills apply there.

Armed Combat

Keyul upon embarking on their career was trained in the use of clan small arms. They know how to load, clear, and safe the weapons as well as fire it accurately. Depending on their Sect they also received additional training in Daho'te Jyaon (Fighting Forms). Journeymen level Daho'a receive training in exo-suits

Detis Goa'a (Faith Walker)

Keyul is proficient the teachings of the Siama Kâur (Divine way). They are trained in performing services and rituals. Additionally a Detis Goa'a acts as a counselor, listening to crew members on a ship, offering advise, and providing comfort.

Tasba'a (Singer)

Keyul has been trained in basic song styles starting in Ruohui Giba'te (Academies).


Living aboard Poku Saeruo Degonjo vessels members of the clan have limited personal space. For this reason most clan members will typically carry the following when they first join a ship.



These items will be either generic or may have the individuals Punla (Family) colors and crests


The following specific items a member of the clan will have for performing their Kâbo'kai (Occupations).


All clan members will have the following for wearing to special events.

756(D) Duty Uniform

756(F) Formal Uniform


Personal Items


Afirmui Gely

Afirmu (Crest) Name Reason Awarded by
Fau a-te Fighting on Amaur Qaedal Aaeas
Detis Goa'a Completion of training Jael-Ta'a
Wotanu Abokatinka Poku Completion of training Legos Miaurm


Keyul is a Sâvyjo'sa and receives 120 Gold OW monthly Kâbolelpa (salary).

Total savings Addition Subtractions Reason
1,000 OW Starting Funds
2,000 OW 1,000 Awarded share/Promotion
2,120 OW 120 11/755 Salary
2,240 OW 120 12/755 Salary
2,360 OW 120 01/756 Salary

Character Data
Character NameKeyul Aaeas
Character OwnerNashoba
Character StatusNPC In Use By GM or FM