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Cen'tris Marine Assault Class

Designed in EE 004(YE 40) for the Neshaten Shukara Navy, the Cen'tris Marine Assault Class is a light warship designed for planetary assault and reinforcing during engagement or defensive operations. The vessel was designed to replace converted freighters and transports and was put into service in the latter part of EE004.

About the Ship

The Cen'tris Marine Assault Class was designed to serve the role of an assault transport, this means that it can carry a large number of troops and vehicles while also serving as a command post for those forces during land engagements. It's weapon systems are quite limited, instead opting for heavy armor plaing and a single turret for usage in orbital bombardments, although intended mainly to soften up fortified positions for assault or to provide fire support for invading forces.

This class was also designed to work in conjunction with a Kestrire'alis Reconnaissance Class vessel, by providing guidance to that ships weapons in orbit.

Key Features

As this class is designed for planetary invasions, but also for defense against such invasions, it is equipped with heavy armor plating - heavier than that found on light warships, this makes the vessel slow in comparison but harder to destroy. It has two holds, one intended for marines and another for vehicles, it has a drop-bay so that it can hot-drop troops onto a battlefield while in orbit. It also has a landing bridge, although the bridge is nothing more than a series of high-resolution camera's that are connected directly to the main bridge, the landing bridge is - like the rest of the ship - heavily armored.

It's heavy armor also lets it serve as a defensive role, either by blocking the advancement of enemy forces or by serving as a firing platform for artillery and tanks while also allowing it to serve as a refuel and resupply point for fighters, but only if the vessel is supplied constantly with munitions and equipment.

Mission Specialization

This class specializes in planetary invasions and defense, it has large troops and vehicle bays, along with a smaller sized fighter bay and drop-pods. It's heavy armor means it can withstand a large amount of punishment if it is directly targetted. The vessel is also capable of serving as battalion headquarters.


The Cen'tris has an elongated oval shape to it, which while it tempers off toward the front, get's wider toward the rear. Drop pods are located on the bottom, while the top is host to platforms that can be used by mobile artillery. All sides of the ship can open up to deploy a landing force.

History and Background

Originally, marines and equipment were deployed onto a battlefield through the use of either repurposed freighters or by warships, however, this changed when news of the invasion of Yamatai came to the ears of the Navy, footage from the invasion, aquired by means of local and Or'ion agents, made the Navy realize that using unarmored transports and warships that were really supposed to fight other ships couldn't really serve such a role during a large engagement.

This gave birth to the Cen'tris Marine Assault Class, although originally it was going to be an unarmed vessel, discussions with marines and those who would actually go into combat meant that the class needed to be armed in order to support invasions and defensive operations.

Statistics and Performance

This lists the general performance information, it should be noted that while large, the ship is actually faster than most other vessels.


This lists the general information.


Number of crew, along with max capacity.

Crew: 15 officers, 150 Enlisted. At least 10 officers and 25 crew are required. Marines: 1000 (Battalion Strength)

Maximum Capacity: There are accommodations for 500 people. About 1400 people can fit aboard in an emergency, but the ship would be extremely cramped.


The Dimensions of the vessel

Propulsion and Range

This area lists all of the propulsion and range.

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.

Inside the Ship

The following will list the guts of the ship.

Compartment Layouts

For a visual layout, please see the Ship Diagram.

Kar'ta'nomae Guka'meka choose to deviate from tradition and instead the deck layout for this is more simplistic. Decks are numbered from top to bottom, with the surface being deck 0 and the bottom being deck 5

Deck Compartment Name

Invasion Bridge

This particular class uses the ground_command_center for planetary invasions and defense, during space operations it is unmanned.


The vessel uses two Small Assault Bridge's for command and control, one serves as the primary bridge while a second one as the backup.


There are a large number of neshaten

Flight Control Center

Has one Neshaten Flight Control Center, either to serve as air controller for local fighters or to support large fighter engagements.

Captains Suite

Q'abrenal Cabin is the main living space for the ships captain, a second one serves as the living quarters in the event that the ship has a Q'Abrenal stationed on board.

Cargo Storage Areas

There are several Main Cargo Hold's located through the ship.

Crew Cabins

The vessel has several L3, Prefab Crew Decks, of which the Standard Crew Cabin is used by the ships crew. The Neshaten Officer Cabins are used by officers, the Ini'she (Counselor) by the ships Counselor and finally the Neshaten Q'Abrenal Quarters for the Shipmaster. The ship also has multiple Neshaten Wash Facilities

Crew Recreation

The Observation Lounge serves as part of the vessels recreational lounge.


This vessel has the Large Engineering Bay that serve as it's main engineering.

Crew Cafeteria

This vessel uses the Prefab Cafeteria and Lounge for both eating and lounging.

Maintenance Conduits

The Maintenance Conduit streches throughout the ship, similiar to a honeycomb, providing direct access to most of the ships systems.

Medical Center

On this ship is the Large Medical Center, which enables the vessel to provide medical relief to a large number of crew or even in the event of an emergency on planet or in space.


The Standard Hallways are considered standard hallways for this vessel, however, this is subject to change.

Armory Storage

The Armory is where all of the ships personnel weaponry is storaged, there are several on this ship all of which are under armed guard.

Starfighter and Shuttle Bays

The vessel has a custom built bay that seves only as a resupply point for fighters, and a small dock area for shuttles. This vessel is not inhierently able to carry starfighters.

Shield Room

The Shield Control Room serves not only as the central location where the ships main shield is controlled but can also serve as the location of the shield generator itself, it is often protected by guards.

Computer Room

The Class uses a Large Computer Room to store the ships main computer

Damage Control Centers

There are severalDamage Control Center's located throughout the vessel that provides ample, and quick, response to damage sustained either in combat or from natural causes.

Ship Systems

The following lists all of the ships systems.

Weapons Reactor

The ship has one primary, and one secondary weapons reactor, with the primary being a Lunabaren High-Energy Reactor and it's backup being of a similiar model.

Main Reactor

The Kes' has one Lunabaren High-Energy Reactor and six backup Lunebaren Reactors that can either serve as backups, or kickstarters to the primary in the event of a startup failure.

Faster Than Light

The Kes' has a single Class 1 Kres'tronova Fold Drive for faster than light travel.

Landing Gear

Has the Landing Claw that serve's as its main landing gear.

Armored Hull and Hull Integrated Systems

The superstructuer of the vessel is made out of Dishe'trum, while Cynestran and Crynatorium serve as the ships main hull and armor plating.

Computers and Electronics

The ship comes equipped with the Cordecon Quantum Computer and a set of Neshaten Scanner Array Suite's

Life Support Systems

The Kes' has two Atmospheric Control Systems, one that is primary, and a Emergency Support System that serves as the backup.


This vessel is equipped with four Class 3 Luxiton Gravitic Engines, giving it a decent amount of speed. It uses the Kres'tronova Fold Drive for FTL travel.

Shield Systems

This vessel has one Ta'tagen Field Generator, and another that serves as a backup.

Weapons Systems

The Cen' come's with the Os'hane Combat Systems and Universal Turret Mounts, allowing it to equip the following weapons:

Vehicle Complement

This section lists the maximum number of vehicles.


Kyle created this article on 2018/08/29 11:37.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.

Used the Sumter-Class Attack Transport as a reference for size and number of troops.