Table of Contents

"Aegle" Health System

The “Aegle” Health System is a nanite-based health monitoring and maintenance system for organic members of the New Dusk Conclave military. It was originally developed by DOARAD as a way to ensure that soldiers and pilots would remain in peak physical condition for their duties.

First introduced in YE 42.

Designer: DOARAD
Nomenclature: G1-N2-A
Manufacturer: DOARAD
Fielded by: New Dusk Conclave


In YE41, as part of the New Dusk Conclave's ongoing military improvement initiatives, a project was undertaken to narrow the efficiency gap between organic and synthetic service men and women. Combat readiness, physical fitness, and survival rates were the three major categories identified. Injured or ill soldiers cannot fight and tie up resources during their recovery. Loss of life is a significant waste of training resources and a morale hit to their fellow servicepersons. Conversely, improved combat readiness and survival rates had a significant impact on both morale and cost reductions.

It was clear that steps should be taken. DOARAD decided to leverage their expertise in the field of nanotechnology to solve the problem. Initially, it was thought that simply providing an as-needed injection of nanites to resolve specific issues would be sufficient. Before long, it was decided that this approach was too reactive to truly see the benefits the research team wanted. Additionally, it seemed that the cost of including the nanites for all clones was likely less than the cost of providing healthcare services that the nanites could have prevented.

The final product is a pervasive network of nanites that permanently reside within a user's body. They augment the user's natural healing processes and monitor their overall health.

Function and Design

The Aegle health system is managed by, and thus requires, a Geist. Once the Aegle's nanites have entered the user's blood stream they begin to communicate with the Geist, providing diagnostics and health monitoring services. The Geist can then provide direction to the nanites, responding to disease, illness, or injury, as appropriate. The nanites themselves are capable of destroying cancerous cells, repairing tissue and bone, and purging infectious agents such as harmful bacteria or viruses. All of this information and the Aegle's ongoing activities can be made available in the user's Geist HUD. Most users prefer a simple percentage based system, showing '100/100%' for their overall health and simple indicators for any ongoing issues, such as torn muscles or broken bones.

Authorized users, such as medical professionals, can access the user's medical information and provide a 'health plan' to the nanites to assist in recovering from various illnesses or injuries. Unless the user is unconscious and/or the Geist determines that the user's life is at risk, any such access by an external source requires the user's permission.

In general, the Aegle reduces the time required to recover from an injury by 50% and increases the survival rate of various injuries and illnesses by 50%. In many cases, this improvement means that an individual can recover without extended downtime or extensive medical intervention. Some injuries that would traditionally be lethal are survivable for an Aegle user, particularly those related to blood loss or trauma. Any major injury should still be reviewed by a medical professional for long-term impacts and treatment.

Aegle nanites have been hardened against harm from various environmental effects and outside interference. This includes protection from the native Sirrus VI nanite predators found within the planet's rain and water supplies. They only accept commands from a single, authorized Geist unit that is assigned before their initial injection. The Geist is capable of reviewing any provided health plan and ensuring that it will not cause harm to the user by running a sophisticated simulation.

In the event that the user's Geist is disabled, the nanites simply become dormant and are eventually expelled by the body.

Exhausted nanites must be replenished roughly once a year, in the form of a candy-like tablet that quickly dissolves in the user's mouth.

The Aegle is designed for unaugmented individuals and is incompatible with those who already possess significantly enhanced immune systems and/or regenerative capabilities.


The Aegle can be introduced to the user's body by way of a sugary tablet that dissolves in the user's mouth or as an injection of a faintly silver particulate solution.


Standard for all organic NDC military service persons.

OOC Notes

Whisper created this article on 2020/06/27 18:49.

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