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High Velocity Parasitic Love

FIXME This article is a work in progress; It is currently not approved as canon.

High Velocity Parasitic Love is a band made of Mishhuvurthyar and their associated subspecies and offshoots, such as Nightmares, Nekovalkyrja, Parasites, and zombies/thralls. They played for their tentacled masters but struck off on their own after the Second Mishhuvurthyar War petered out. They were fortunate enough to have found some morbidly disgusted success abroad with other listeners. Their sound can be described as incredibly sludgy and bass-heavy, even hypnotic at times.


Originally beginning as a hypnosis experiment in YE 27 during the First Mishhuvurthyar War to see if Yamataian Nekovalkyrja could be hypnotised and convinced to fight for the enemy, and they put together a band to play allegedly hypnotic music. If not, then the funds from the concerts could fuel the war effort behind the scenes. However, on both counts, this turned out to be a failure - the band was unable to turn a profit to foreign audiences no matter how many tricks they pulled and ran at a loss.

As concession, they found traction amongst the drug-addled dregs of Nepleslian society. Worse still, Yamataian Nekovalkyrja balked at the sound of the band on the battlefield and it only made their resistance harder. Even worse still, the band hadn't received a name at that point.

After the end of the first Mishhu War, the project was scrapped as a fighting effort and the band members let off the hook and ordered to be put back into rendition by their masters. However, by that point they'd formed a strong enough bond to keep on rocking, thankful for their tiny periphary demographic. They were getting sick of playing the Mishhu National Anthem anyway. When the Second Mishhuvurthyar War kicked off, they found themselves pressed back into service as propaganda musicians, taking advantage of how large and porous space was to distribute their music.

When the second war fell over itself and the Mishhu were back to square one in YE 34, the members of High Velocity Parasitic Love broke off from the NMX, the SMX, and Mishhu philosophies, and struck off on their own. However, they didn't give up their forms, and it did leave them with some unique advantages. Ever seen something with sixty tentacles play the drums?

Noteworthy Songs

Band Members

Here and the current and previous members of High Velocity Parasitic Love. Unsurprisingly, the memberships used to come and go quickly based on audience appreciation. Poor performing band members tended to be devoured by the audience, but that no longer seems to be a worry now that they're sojourning.









Notable Tours and Performances

Due to their status as Mishhuvurthyar and having the privilege of being shot on sight by Yamataians, Nepleslians, and Lorath, the band usually performs in very out-of-the-way locations if they do perform. They have been looking to a digital distribution model, and unsurprisingly, nobody in civilised space wants to pick them up. So, they rolled up their bootstraps and via a series of 'tentacles'1), they managed to distribute their stuff.

OOC Notes

Luca created this article on 2016/01/05 01:47.


Listen to these bands and their songs if you want to get an idea of how Aoi Tanaka's band sounds.

Sock puppet accounts to music distribution services