Table of Contents


WEPT (Wrench, Eviscerate, Puncture, Tear) is a Martial Art invented in YE 44 and practiced exclusively by Star Army Special Operations personnel, in a similar manner to SAINT's CRIED system and their personnel. While most other martial arts focus on subduing or disabling the enemy, WEPT is designed as a playbook with which to effectively murder an opponent with just your hands and whatever might be in them. As the name suggests, this is often bloody and involves violent extraction of internal organs. It is based heavily on Ninjutsu and is taught in more generalised and watered-down ways for the less elite special forces.


WEPT is a restricted martial art and it is prohibited to teach without proper permission from the Star Army Doctrine Administration. It was designed primarily for use by TANTO teams and some select SASO SOFT teams. However, seeing its utility, more simplified versions of WEPT can be taught to other MOS' inside Star Army Special Operations and Star Army Reconnaissance. Sparring can only be done inside simulators with appropriate authentication to access the materials. Usage in live partner sparring is strictly prohibited.


During a period of tension with Star Army Intelligence in which tutors of their martial arts were not provided to Star Army Special Operations, effort was undertaken by the Star Army Doctrine Administration and Star Army Special Operations to create a new martial art better suited to their needs.

From this effort came WEPT, which borrowed and modernised the ancient art of Ninjutsu, adding elements from Pankration and similar Martial Arts. After some sub-sapient targets were set aside to allow for live testing, the methods were refined up to a point of shocking effectiveness.

The name is likely a reference to the rivalry at the time between SAINT and SASO, perhaps made as a satire to SAINT's use of the 'backronym' “CRIED” with a similar meaning as “WEPT”.

With the invention of the Kamirakurai, a number of suggestions and new techniques were identified from viewing recordings of their work in the field. Other field recordings from various SASO MOS' are often utilised in constantly evolving and refining WEPT's techniques.

Additionally, when the Oni joined Yamatai, a number of their marital techniques and doctrines found their way into WEPT's evolutionary method.


While some techniques borrow from Ninjutsu, others are entirely new or inspired from other martial arts.

Wound Development

One of the main doctrines of WEPT is to make a bad thing worse. This is shown perfectly in the idea of 'developing a wound'. If an enemy is already wounded from an engagement prior to it becoming hand-to-hand, or otherwise, these weaknesses can be exploited. Primarily, they are seen as entrances by which a practitioner's hands can enter the body and disembowel the opponent of their vital organs. This mindset also helps in the few cases where techniques do not succeed then first time completely, leaving the target alive but with a grevious wound and therefore entrance into the body.

Punctures not Strikes

Focuses are on puncturing an opponent's flesh with knife hands or improvised weapons in select areas, in order to physically grab internal organs and remove them from the opponent's body. The heart and brain are considered the prime targets, but lungs and spine are also a main focus. The traditional idea of striking an opponent with fists is considered too slow and too likely to leave a target alive if unconscious, which is against the purpose of WEPT.


Nekos and other races have the uncanny ability to use their skin-based camouflage to blend in or become invisible. If not, they can utilise alternative methods. However, optimal targets and angles for striking unaware targets are taught, as well as the best methods for achieving that advantage over an enemy.

Most preferred methods are dissociation of the skull from the spinal column by striking its joint from behind, or the puncture of both femurs and femoral arteries by striking both arms at once. From the side, entry via the armpits and extraction of the organs, or amputation of the leg by breaking the pelvis with a kick and pulling with the arms, can also be effective.


Knowing such things as where to deliver specific blows to the body to do the most harm and damage, how to split bones, tear apart nerves, and thereby affect the quickest death, are paramount. This often translates well for standard skills like ranged combat, and in a sense after being taught WEPT, one often becomes a better marksman.

Augmented Strikes

In addition to the use of gravity manipulation Neko are capable of, to allow for movement, part of WEPT focuses on its combat utility. This also applies to any race which can accelerate limbs or otherwise gain supernatural speed and strength. Usually, to proper utilise WEPT, this kind of ability is required, although it can be executed on some level without.

Other Techniques

Other areas of training


WEPT teaches usage of improvised weaponry in the broadest sense. While this covers conventional items like a bit of sharp metal, it is focused more on utilising things like broken bone against opponents.

The weapons they use include but are not limited to those listed here:

OOC Notes

ethereal created this article on 2022/10/03 01:59.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.