Table of Contents

Class: Ring World
Type: Orbital Ring
Designer: Gi'faaja O'pashe
Manufacturer: Shukara Armaments and Manufacturing
Fielded by: Kingdom of Neshaten
Organizations using: Kingdom of Neshaten
Production: Depend on fleet
Price: Varies on size
Crew: 250+ Million
Residential: 1+ Billion
Emergency Capacity: 5.0+ Billion
Habitable Decks: 1000+
Unhabitable Decks: 200+
Total Decks: 1,200+
Diameter: Size Varies
Propulsion and Range
Sublight Engines: NA
Atmospheric Engines: NA
Underwater Speed: NA
Hyperspace Drive: NA
Note: The Shil'ashe is not designed to be in water.
Durability and Maintenance
Service Lifespan: Intended to last many years so long as it is maintained
Refit Cycle: Always being refitted.
Damage Capacity
See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.
Hull: 32
Shields: 32(Threshold 4)
Internal Layers
Residential Layer Shil'ashe Residential Layer
Industrial Layer industrial_layer
Military Layer military_layer
Systems Information
Superstructure Dishe'trum
Armor Plating Kithiulum
Reactor Lunabaren High-Energy Reactor while Lunebaren Reactors provide back up power.
Computer and Sensor Systems Cordecon Quantum Computer, Neshaten Scanner Array Suite.
Weapon Systems Os'hane Combat Systems, Universal Turret Mounts
Life Support Systems Atmospheric Control Systems
Support Systems Erme'negilde Holographic System
Emergency Support Systems Emergency Support System, 20x K1-25 Escape Pod.
Landing Gear Landing Claw for landing equipment.
Defense Systems Ta'tagen Field Generator
Weapon Type
5000 Light Turret Mounts
1000×1 Mark 1 'Rok'truvance' Anti-fighter Turrets
2000 Medium Turret Mounts
1×1 Hui'ueshe Assault Cannon
500 Large Turret Mounts
50 Assault Turret Mounts

Shil'ashe Orbital Ring

:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.

The Shil'ashe Orbital Ring is a mega-structure conceived by the Kingdom of Neshaten that can be built around a planet to provide additional industrial, manufacturing, and defensive options. The Shil'ashe was designed in ER 770 and came into appearance that same year.

About the Shil'ashe

The Shil'ashe is a mega-structure designed by the Neshaten to serve a number of different purposes for a planet, whether its industrial, commercial, or residential, the size of the ring allows it to serve practically all three purposes. Shil'ashes are designed from the ground up, meaning they don't use any prefabricated components which in turn means they take a considerable amount of time to build; this kind of a construction process means that the structures themselves are quite sturdy and can withstand a large amount of punishment. The structures also serve as part of a planets defence, since they can be equipped with hundreds of different kinds of turrets which can bring their numbers to bare on either a single or multiple targets at once. Shil'ashes can't be built by themselves, they require at least oneNeshaten Orbital Tower to be placed on the planets surface in perfect order as the towers themselves serve as the base of the ring to which construction begins on. Once construction is completed, the towers can be dissembled if needed.

Because of how vast the ring-world is, the Shil'ashe is designed into various 'layers', each layer designed to accommodate a particular kind of theme. The central area of the ring holds the rings massive city-block, this city-block is protected by a twenty foot deep armour wall that can slide out or retract in order to protect the cities inhabitants or even to filter out the sun when that side of the ring is facing it. The sides of the ring house the commercial areas, such as entertainment facilities, while the remainder of the ring which is usually the areas beneath the commercial and residential layers houses all of its industrial capabilities.

Military facilities are located exterior to the ring, including hundreds of docking arms which allows military ships to respond quickly to threats. Repair bays are also located on the exterior so that ships can quickly dock and repairs can commence.


The Shil'ashe class of megastructural rings was conceived in ER 770 during the planning phases for the Neshaten Orbital Tower, as the designers knew that the ring would be easier to construct and to maintain if it was built into the structure of the Orbital Towers, which meant that the towers themselves help to serve as an anchor for the ring. The designers knew that with the ring being in orbit it would become the center-point for any kind of combat that would take place, so for this reason, the rings external armour was designed in layers with hundreds of turrets that can be recessed into the constructs hull to hide them from enemies and to protect them from the occasional errant meteor.


The Shil'ashe looks like a large ring that orbits around a planet, it has spoks that jut out from the sides.


The Shil'ashe has a number of features, including one of being able to house a very large residential population numbering in the hundreds of millions; it can also be equipped with various types of turrets ranging from light, medium, heavy, and assault. Its internal and external docking bays allow it to service thousands of ships at once, potentially resupplying an entire fleet in hours instead of days. Refit docks also allow the ring to completely retrofit a ship, removing damaged or outdated components and then replacing them within record time.

Its industrial sectors means that a ring can turn out industrial components for structure and ships, and then build either on the station itself before those are shipped to their respective locations. Last, the station is equiped with a vast array of defences which essentially makes it a fortress in space


There are three layers to the station, residential, industrial, and military. All three of these layers are confined to form a single segment of the station, a segment is essentially a self-contained 'unit' of the station. Depending on how large the station will be will determine how many 'units' will be constructed.

These units are unique because if one unit suffers catastrophic damage, the units beside it will still be functional and allow for evacuation of the damage unit without risk of damage or fire spreading to the adacent units.

In the event that a unit suddenly becomes 'detached' from the construct, the construct itself can still maintain its orbital plane so long as only a few of the units are completely seperated - however - if more than a minimum number are detached then the construct will begin to suffer problems.