Table of Contents

NAM Impact Weapon Line

Developed by Nepleslian Arms and Munitions to equip power armor of the Nepleslian Space Marine Corps and Nepleslian Space Navy with superior close combat weapons, NAM's Impact Weapon Line applies PPG Push Pull Guard and Conformal Barrier System technology into a single close quarters weapons package intended to damage armored targets with blunt kinetic force. Inspired by the earlier NAM High Endurance Armor Tactical Weapon Line introduced in YE 41, Impact weapons share numerous technological and design functions with their Heat siblings.

Impact Weapons are constructed from a combination of Nerimium and hyperdense variants of Nerimium for the core of striking elements to improve balance and maximize striking force. The head of each Impact Weapon contains a core, which contains the Push Pull Rod and conformal barrier system. The conformal barrier system is shaped to improve the striking power of the weapon, and to protect it when using it to block and parry; the Push Pull Rod triggers a powerful push on impact with an object to greatly magnify kinetic impact. There are three Impact Weapon variants, ranging from a mace, to a one handed war hammer, to a two handed maul.

Nomenclature Information

Discharge Information

Impact Weapons

Impact Weapon Damage Quickchart
Variant Damage versus unarmored personnel Damage versus armored targets Reach
Mace Tier 2, Medium Anti-Personnel Tier 4, Light Anti-Armor cm
Warhammer Tier 4, Light Anti-Armor Tier 5, Medium Anti-Armor cm
Maul Tier 4, Light Anti-Armor Tier 7, Light Anti-Mecha cm

Blade Mechanisms

OOC Notes

Firebrand created this article on 2020/01/20 13:18.

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