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NAM Guided Assault Fusion Mortar GAFM-02a

Developed in YE 41 by Nepleslian Arms and Munitions to replace the GAFM-01a, the Guided Assault Fusion Mortar GAFM-02a is the updated version of a venerable weapon intended to equip the latest update of the upgrade. A semi-guided indirect fire weapon, the GAFM-01a lacks precision in favor of large area of effect capability as a counter to entrenched hostiles in defensive positions.

About the Guided Assault Fusion Mortar GAFM-02a

The GAFM-02a is an area of effect tactical weapon and mobile small scale artillery piece. The intention is that the GAFM's guided shells, with their wide blast radius, will counter both entrenched defensive positions and the mass swarming attacks utilized by enemy forces. Another tacit purpose of the weapon is to use it's fusion and scalar shells to deny positions to the enemy by irradiating them for periods from hours up to weeks.

To improve the accuracy and efficiency, the GAFM-02a utilizes a new generation of guided mortar rounds, the talon_gm, which incorporates

Nomenclature Information


See Original VOID Art

Discharge Information


Mortar Ammunition Damage Quickchart
Type Purpose Area of Effect Radiation Duration
Fusion Shell Tier 8, Medium Anti-Mecha 470 Meters 6 Hours
Scalar Pulse Tier 4, Light Anti-Armor to unshielded electronics and organic nervous systems 200 Meters 1 week
EMP Detonator Tier 9, Heavy Anti-Mecha to shields and electronics 800 Meters N/A

Weapon Mechanisms



OOC Notes

Firebrand created this article on 2019/09/14 08:11.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.

4.5 feet
110 lbs