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Death Ray

The Nepleslian Arms and Munitions Death Ray is a medium strength anti-armor weapons system designed in YE 43 for use as an optional component in the NAM Terratech Multi-Role Cavalry Armor-"Nomad".

About the Death Ray

The death ray was first designed by NAM not as a weapon but as a cutting tool for clearing away damaged sections of starship hull through the use of a compact energy tool. This tool was later weaponized as a side-project in typical Nepleslian fashion when its base NAM Ultra Compact Fusion Generator was replaced with a more powerful NAM Antimatter Battery that increased its output considerably while decreasing its overall power usage.

The prototype was pitched and accepted as an optional component in the upcoming design of the Nomad frame of medium power armor and its bank of antimatter batteries as a standoff weapon or last-resort weapon due to its power and damage output being reduced due to a need to prioritize battery longevity over frivolous use of energy.

The end result was a powerful and sustainable beam of energy easily able to cut through armored infantry and still be a significant threat against lightly armored vehicles and non-heavy powered armor.

Nomenclature Information

Discharge Information

Energy Source

The damage caused by contact with the death-ray is substantial and near-instantaneous. Channeled energy cuts through matter with the ease of a blowtorch through butter, and can damage armor through a very short and negligible period of contact.

The energy of the death ray as a byproduct of its intense damage leaves a glowing trail of heat on armor and conductive materials as the intense matter-melting heat of the weapon dissipates. This can cause additional damage to armors and their interiors as heat transfers into the materials.

OOC Notes

Charmaylarg created this article on 2021/04/13 10:00.

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