Nomad Servo Booster

The Servo Booster is an optional and installable component designed in YE 43 for the upcoming design of the NAM Terratech Multi-Role Cavalry Armor-"Nomad" frame of medium power armor designed by Nepleslian Arms and Munitions. The component is used to enhance the overall ground running speed of the armor and strength output and durability of the armors lower body.

Function and Design

The servo booster works by replacing the default servo-motor assisted drives of the hip, knee, and ankle with stronger and more capable servo drives that increase the output of the armors strength and drive capabilities of its lower body. This system allows the armor to not only run and manuever faster without the aid of its own propulsion but also increases the lifting and strength capabilities of the armor.

A secondary effect of the enhanced servo features that came about during testing is the increased durability provided to the legs and joints of the armor when performing high-speed leaps and landings; Most often coming about when the testing NAM personel would attempt to drop in on static testing targets without decelerating, allowing for combat crash-landings that would crush targets and allow the pilot to combat drop onto targets without risking damage to the frame.

OOC Notes

Charmaylarg created this article on 2021/04/29 15:15.

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