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NDC Standard Crew Quarters

The NDC Standard Crew Quarters is intended to provide quarters that offer a balance of function and comfort for military and civilian needs. The room is intended for four people.


The NDC Standard Crew Quarters was designed in mind for a variety of uses in mind for the civilian and military markets by the Department Of Fleet Development (D.O.F.D.) in YE 41.


The layout of the quarters is based around a straight-forward philosophy with one set of bunk beds, each intended for up to two people, set along one of the walls. The back wall is lined with two large lockers for personal equipment and belongings. On the opposite wall from the bed are two desks each with an integrated touch keyboard in the desk, and a display on the wall.

OOC Notes

Morrs13 created this article on 2020/04/21 14:23.

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