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NDC Medical Bay

The standard NDC Medical Bay widely used in military and civilian ships operating in the NDC


With their Navy expanding it was decided by the Department Of Fleet Development (D.O.F.D.) to develop a standard medical bay so quality healthcare would be available to those on board any New Dusk Conclave starship. This Standard Medical Bay was introduced in late YE 41 and is currently in widespread use.

Function and Design

The NDC Medical Bay was developed with scale and standardization in mind so the NDC Medical Bay uses universal equipment and parts. This was done to help ensure quality care could afford to patients, and no matter what ship the NDC Medical Bay is a part of consistency is kept so there is no delay in treatment. From a small room with a single exam table, a sink, and cabinets stocked with medical supplies. To multi-deck hospitals large enough to entire medical departments including but not limited to emergency department, cardiology, intensive care unit, neurology, etc.


Medical bays are based around hexagon shapes with each room shaped like a rhombus or triangle depending on what the room’s purpose is.

OOC Notes

Morrs13 created this article on 2020/04/21 17:14.

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