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NMX M5 Sniper Rifle

The NMX M5 Sniper Rifle represents a paramount achievement in long-range warfare technology by the NMX, crafted meticulously between the years 2022 to 2023. It's the epitome of deadly precision, specially designed to counter the formidable forces of the Star Army, and has swiftly become a revered asset among the NMX's sharpshooting contingent.

About the NMX M5 Sniper Rifle

The pressing threat posed by the highly organized Star Army necessitated the creation of a weapon capable of neutralizing high-value targets from afar, whilst ensuring the safety of NMX operatives. Thus, the NMX M5 Sniper Rifle was conceived, embodying a perfect blend of range, precision, and power.


The inception of the NMX M5 is a testament to the collaboration between Nebulax Weapons Inc. and NMX's leading ballistics experts. Introduced to the battlefield in 2023, the NMX M5 made an immediate impact, notably turning the tides in several skirmishes against the Star Army, and solidifying its place in the annals of NMX military history.

Nomenclature Information


The NMX M5 boasts a sleek, matte black finish aimed at minimizing visual detection. Its adjustable stock and lightweight frame render it a customizable and comfortable choice for snipers operating in varied terrains against the Star Army.

Discharge Information


Weapon Mechanisms



Replaceable Parts and Components

* Barrel Assembly: 1,200 KS (black market street value)

Optional Attachments


NMX M5 Standard Rounds Price Quickchart
Type Price (100 Round Box)
Standard 350 KS

OOC Notes

The NMX M5 Sniper Rifle is a fictional weapon created for the Star Army Roleplaying setting on, where the NMX and Star Army are portrayed as adversaries. Art and design credits go to the collaborative community of

OOC Notes

Wes created this article on 2023/10/06 16:45.

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