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Low Friction Field Generator

The Low Friction Field Generator, or LFFG, creates a field of variable strength around part or all of an object that reduces friction. It was designed as a way to give frames and other heavy armors a way to move swiftly across a battlefield without requiring traditional tracks, bipedal movement, or significant energy expenditure.

Introduced in YE 42 with the Banshee-class Strike Frame.

Year of Creation YE 42
Designer Noval Heavy Industries
Nomenclature NH-M1-M4200
Manufacturer Noval Heavy Industries
Fielded by New Dusk Conclave
Availability Mass Production
Price -

Function and Design

The LFFG creates a thin energy layer on the exterior of the surfaces that it affects which makes it hard for molecules to bind together in a cohesive fashion. The intended use of this field is to allow heavy objects to 'skate' or 'glide' across a variety of surfaces.

The field's strength can be varied, resulting in more or less cohesion between the two surfaces.

LFFG-equipped Frames typically mount these units in the legs or feet to allow them to Glide Boost. The LFFG can also be used with traditional armors to improve their mobility, provided that they have some way of moving that isn't reliant upon friction.

Control of the LFFG, especially in regards to the field's strength, is typically managed entirely by the system it is operated by. Over time a pilot may become more comfortable with direct management of the LFFG, but it requires extensive practice akin to learning how to ice skate during a combat scenario.


The Low Friction Field Generator is a stubby, durable box with a number of connection ports. These ports can be used to attach the device to nearby surfaces via specialized cables and bolted-on mounts.

OOC Notes

Whisper created this article on 2021/04/04 18:43.

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