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MS-L1-C3402 - Deck Plating

:!: This article is under construction or awaiting review. It is presently not approved for use in SARP.

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A Murasaki Keiretsu Subsidiary

The MS-L1-C3402 Deck Plates are structural elements of starships and stations and are utilized in the MS-L1-H3400 - Durandium-Kurokotetsu Structural Framework construction methodology. This design element first began to see use in YE 34.

About MS-L1-C3402 Deck Plates

MS-L1-C3402 Deck Plates contain several mechanisms designed to generate both an artificial gravity effect and compensate for inertial forces acting upon the crew during extreme acceleration and decceleration. Through the of conversion and storage of a reasonable amount of matter into a mass of gravitons within the deck plates, a weak gravitational pull is created.

Realistically utilizing gravitons alone to generate artificial gravity equivalent to 1G is impractical, as it would require the creation of as many gravitons as exist between the core of a terrestrial planet and where an individual would stand upon the surface – a feat far beyond any technology that can be squeezed into an object the size of a deck plate. The pull of the graviton mass is supplemented by a localized higgs field manipulator, which lowers the effective mass of objects and individuals standing above the deck plating to a miniscule fraction of what it would be under normal circumstances, drastically amplifying the effectiveness of any nearby gravitational force. Working in unison, these technologies allow MS-L1-C3402 Deck Plates to simulate up to the equivalent of 10 gravities. Only when the deck plating is supplied with power can the higgs field manipulator function and thus continue to simulate gravity.

Additionally, the deck plating houses an inertial force redirection array to effectively negate excessive kinetic energy in the surrounding environs – the most obvious benefit of which is to prevent crew from being reduced to jelly on an adjacent bulkhead whenever being subjected to extreme changes in speed.

Because rapidly changing the artificial gravity settings can prove hazardous, a security code is required in order to do so. Merchanter and passenger ship captains have the option to slowly adjust the internal gravity throughout a voyage, matching it to that of destination world at a journey's end – this can allow crew and passengers to become more easily acclimated to differing gravity between worlds. Additionally, altering compartment gravity can be used as a security feature – allowing the crew to impede hostile intruders.

Statistics and Features

General Information

Type: Structural Element Nomenclature: MS-L1-C3402 Designer: Murasaki Orbital Shipyards Research & Development Manufacturer: Murasaki Orbital Shipyards, Murasaki Technologies
