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Far Flung Freight

Far Flung Freight was a shipping company based in Funky City and was founded in YE 21 and went bankrupt in YE 41.

About Far Flung Freight

Far Flung Freight was created in YE 21 to provide small-scale cross-sector shipping services for the kinds of mid-tier companies that were large enough to ship in bulk but not large enough to have their own shipping fleet. They started with a single Ge-F6-1A - Light Freighter but expanded to a fleet of 3 ships within the year. This was sustainable and managed to eke out a profit for decades.

In YE 27 one of their freight ships was caught up in a minor battle of the First Mishhuvurthyar War resulting in the loss of one of their ships, the cargo, and the death of all crew aboard. The shipment was insured by the client, but no compensation was paid to the families and the ship was not replaced.

In YE 39, the company received a private investment and suddenly expanded their fleet to 10 ships. That was when management discovered that pilot salaries were much more expensive than their cheap ships. Within a year, they began firing their experienced pilots and hiring in anyone who was willing to fly and didn't expect much in the way of remuneration. This worked for some amount of time until a series of accidents and a lack of insurance forced them to declare bankruptcy in YE 41.


“We'll get it there.”

General Information

Far Flung Freight
CEO Charles Farkley
Faction Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia

Headquarters & Facilities

Far Flung Freight was run from a one-room office in Funky City. The low overhead was part of how they kept costs low initially.


Charles Farkley, the CEO and owner, oversaw each of the pilots personally. The pilots were in charge of hiring people to move the cargo in and out of the ships.


Far Flung Freight offered a simple pricing model based solely on how far the shipment needed to be moved. The arrangement was such that the entire hold would be rented out to a customer. The customer could use as much or as little of the hold area as they wanted (but they paid for all of it), and they were charged based on how far they needed the cargo to be moved. This pricing was usually enough to pay salaries and all associated costs and just barely squeeze out a profit.

OOC Notes

Hyralt created this article on 2021/05/13 15:43.

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