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Admiral Ryan Veles

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Ryan Veles
Species: Full-conversion Cybernetic Nepleslian
Gender: Male
Age: 65
Family (or Creators): Daughter: Cyrene Veles
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Height: 6' 3“
Weight: 310 lb
Organization Intelligence and Pacification Group
Rank Admiral (Nepleslia)
Occupation Commanding Officer, SMNIPG
Current Placement IPG Headquarters, CentCom

Veles In Roleplay

Ryan Veles is a GM-Controlled Non-player Character played by SUBLIMEinal now adopted byThekrimsonwulf. He is the commanding officer of the Intelligence and Pacification Group reinstated Admiral of the Black fleet.

Physical Characteristics

Height: 6' 3” Mass: 310 lbs

Build and Skin Colour: Very pale and sickly looking, Veles can be easily described as a walking corpse.

Facial Features and Eye Color: Gaunt, wrinkled, and very, very old looking. His eyes are a dull gray.

Hair Color and Style: Slightly long-ish, slicked back, either in a low ponytail or combed back. white.

Distinguishing Features:

Psychological Characteristics

Personality: Almost perpetually stoic, although sometimes shows (positive) emotion at his enemies being injured or killed, usually violently.

Likes: Being in control, killing, The DIoN Dislikes: Everyone and everything that isn't under the Nepleslian flag, especially SAINT Goals: Protect Nepleslia



Little is known about the younger years of the enigmatic Admiral. Serving Nepleslia long before she became a full nation. Watching her succumb to many an occupying force, his resentment for anyone not of his Nation grew. In founding the IPG Veles' Goal was to have a group that could and would use any means necessary to ensure the Safety of their Beloved nation.

Service Record

-Assignment name-

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-Mission name-

-Description about mission-



Veles is, by any sense of the word, lethal. Decades of behind-the-scenes violence and bloodshed has forged Ryan into a terrifyingly effective warrior in any form of combat. The Nano-muscles that move his skeleton grant him massive strength, enough to overpower most ID-SOLs, as well as allowing him to move very rapidly. He is capable of withstanding extreme amounts of damage thanks both to the nano-muscles and the durandium skeleton. Veles is proficient with almost every type of small arm, where his cybernetics heighten his aim and effectiveness quite above the level afforded to most organic life. He is, however, not terribly proficient in the use of Powered Armor, and usually must rely on the armors AI to do much of the work.

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Star Army Uniforms

Weather Gear

Workout Clothing and Undergarments


Personal Hygiene




-name- is currently a -rank- in the -organisation-. She receives a weekly salary of -salary- per week.

Total Savings Addition Subtraction Reason
3000 KS Starting Funds