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Datajack Stratus 42-1392-0989

Datajack Stratus 42-1392-0989 is a player character played by Retrofitstrawman.

Datajack Stratus 42-1392-0989
Species & Gender: Type Three Freespacer
Gender: Androgynous
Date of Birth: 28日 7月 YE 28
Organization: none
Occupation: Hacker
Rank: none
Current Placement: Awaiting Placement

Physical Description

Build and Skin Color: The body is somewhat slender, but also out of shape. Their skin has a pale and unhealthy complexion, nearing the appearance of being sick.

Facial Features and Eye Color: Their face is dotted with some small craters and minor scarring around implants to the jaw and lower lip. The underside of the jaw and the neck has voice synthesis implants, which continue along the outer edge of the jawbone.

Hair Color and Style: Stratus has pale brown hair, closer to an ash blond, it has a dull shine, due to lack of care.

The hair is generally puffy, with curls that tend to flop onto their face. It tends to curl inward, with the tips curling outwards somewhat.

Distinguishing Features: Both forearms and majority of the lower body has been replaced by heavy-duty cybernetics with an open frame construction, with space for large amounts of storage drives. Their cybernetics have a mostly simple, boxy appearance with some greeble for wiring as well as heat vents on the backsides, and joint covers made of transparent Durandium.


Personality: At first glance, Stratus seems to be one of the most bored people in the universe, almost nothing seems to move them. But behind this façade of apathy and fatigue lies a rather curious individual dedicated to their craft: archiving.

Their dedication doesn’t always work out for them, however, as Stratus constantly looks over matters like self-care or concepts like personal property. In the matter of personal property, not only do they look over it, they cannot acknowledge its existence whatsoever, resulting in Stratus to become a bit of a kleptomaniac.

Of course, Stratus also has a bit of an obsession with efficiency. They have no care for things like fashion or personal appearance, as a second fussing over unimportant matters like that is a second wasted, so they prefer to choose the path of greatest ease (at least for themselves).


Family: None

Pre-RP: Stratus was created like most other Freespacers, designed for digital espionage and “acquiring” usually sensitive information. They carried out their duties happily and without question until a terrible thought crossed their mind: what if Polysentience were to suddenly disappear, everything on it lost forever?

The thought of this possibility terrified Stratus, leaving them to decide to download and record as much information as possible, even that which is not available through Mindware.

Skills Learned


Along with the information available to themselves via Mindware, Stratus has a massive archive of various information, downloaded from Mindware, recorded from real experiences, and copied from physical media. Their offline archive allows for faster and more natural access to information without the delay from accessing Mindware. Even without their personal data collection, Stratus was born with an incredible memory, sometimes making access to their drives redundant.


Because most people seem to have a fascination with keeping their stuff behind locked doors or pesky encryptions, Stratus expanded their hacking abilities into the real world, teaching themselves how to pick and break a wide variety of locks. Of course, their hacking ability isn’t anything to scoff at either.

Technology Operation

Using their own, and other, technology comes as second nature to Stratus. Computer terminals, Mindware, and their own cybernetics are some of what they can use.

Starship Operations

As with all Freespacers, Stratus has the ability to pilot a variety of ships, but has better ability in controlling smaller vessels. They don’t have as much experience in spacecraft weaponry as others, but understands how to use ship cannons.

Social Connections


Datajack Stratus 42-1392-0989 has the following:


Wide-legged shorts, grey Wide-legged pants, yellow 2x sleeveless shirts, black Thick armless jacket, several large pockets, dark beige


“Door Breaker” Lockpicks, advanced set 60 Holographic Data Storage drives

OOC Information

This page was created by retrofitstrawman on 06, 28 2018 at 09:26 using the Character Template Form.

In the case retrofitstrawman becomes inactive: