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Handy Max

Handy Max is an NPC controlled by Hyralt.

Handy Max
Species Non-Humanoid Android
Gender Agender (preferred pronouns: it/it)
Organization: Independent
Occupation: Captain
Rank: Captain
Current Placement: Kennewes

Character Description

Handy Max is a 2-foot cube with a metal tentacle coming out of each face of the cube. Each tentacle ends in a pair of opposable “fingers.” In the centre of each of these “hands” there is a cluster of audio/visual sensors and a speaker.

Handy Max is a shockingly emotional robot, or at least it seems to be. Though it lacks any kind of face and speaks in a crude monotone voice, it will carefully explain its emotional state to provide context for what it is saying.

History & Relationships

Handy Max does not remember its history, but it was a rejected experiment in affective (emotional) robotics. It was a prototype that was meant as a proof of concept to determine if giving robots emotion made them more effective or efficient. It did not. Hence, Max's memory was wiped and its power cell was removed before it was sold as scrap. Max was part of a load of scrap that changed hands and was shipped around the sector several times before eventually ending up on Kennewes. The shipping company that was meant to ship it off-world went bankrupt so Max would have languished in storage except that the pilot who was supposed to fly the ship to transport the load of scrap off-world salvaged Max and a working power cell and managed to restore him to working order.

OOC Notes

This NPC was created by Hyralt on 2021/05/12 18:34.

Art by Hyralt.