Kyoten Park

This page provides details on the park on the Seventh Squadron Starbase a Ikoi-Class Light Starbase.

Upon entering one is presented with a seemingly endless expanse of grass, flowers, and trees under a warm, glowing sun. The smell of recently-rained-on earth and plants filled their senses. The park is only 150 meters across, the walls of the room are covered with volumetric displays to give the illusion of greater space. The park is actually two decks high to help maintain the illusion, the ceiling is also a volumetric display to create sun, clouds and night skies. Also concealed by the volumetrics are a number of nozzles that allow water to be sprayed to simulate light rain or mist. The environmental controls can also create breezes and gentle winds.

The park is populated with a variety of bellflowers and other flowering plants in carefully maintained beds, and a variety of shrubs. In the center is a small hillock that has a number of short trimmed Yamataian Yews.

A number of Yamataian Scissor-Tail Flycatchers live in the park, and their singing adds to the environment. A number of them are actually Ke-O9-1a Avian T.O.R.I. which allow the park to be monitored discreetly.

There are a three paths that wind through the park, with the inner one leading to a small pond. The paths are carefully laid out along with the plants and other decorations to provide privacy for the occupants. Along each path there are benches where people in the park may sit and enjoy the park.

Below the hillock is the pond. Set in the back of the hillock is a water feature that allows water to trickle and cascade into the pond. The pond is stocked with Kami Carp, and has a variety of Nymphaea nouchali in it to add color.

The Diurnal cycle of the park is set to Kyoto, Yamatai (Planet)