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Expedient Hygiene Kit, Type 45

The Type 45 Expedient Hygiene Kit was designed to allow soldiers and pilots who were in constrained or remote environments to take care of hygiene issues such as body cleaning, dental hygiene, deodorizing, and dealing with personal waste.


First produced in YE 45, the Type 45 Expedient Hygiene Kit was assembled to cater to the needs of pilots on extended missions, or soldiers in remote areas that do not have access to hygiene facilities, or are too constrained in space to be able to properly wash oneself. With articles intended to keep pilots and soldiers from smelling too bad, keep their mouths clean, and to help dispose of any liquid or solid bodily waste in a safe, sanitary manner. This hygiene kit was first used in the Type 45 Pilot Sustainment Locker, it would later become available for issue to other units.


The Expedient Hygiene Kit, type 45 consists of a Type 29 Butt Pack, which is filled with the following items:


Designed specifically for use by pilots, the Type 45 Expedient hygiene pack can be used by any soldier whose mission profile includes extended times away from normal hygiene facilities.

OOC Notes

Kai created this article on 2023/04/02 10:34.

This was approved by Andrew on 2023/04/201).