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Aegu is an Ice Giant in the Gensou System, it is part of the Yamatai Star Empire.


The Ice Giant Aegu and the moons that make up its planetary system were discovered by the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet of the Star Army of Yamatai in YE 29. Like most worlds in the region, Aegu spent a short amount of time as part of the United Outer Colonies from YE 30 to YE 33 and then the Lorath Matriarchy from YE 33 until YE 39.

About Aegu

The moons in this system are icy and rocky and for the most part, are uninhabitable without the protection of a dome.

Statistics for Aegu
Type Ice Giant
PAINT Station No
Facilities and Bases No
Colony No
Population 0
Moons 5

The Moons of Aegu

The five moons of Aegu are diverse in size, they are geologically active terrestrial bodies covered in water or methane ice. For the most part, they have not been mapped or fully explored.

Places to Explore or Salvage

Places in the Aegu Planetary System.

The Five Moons

The five icy moons of Aegu have not been explored as of YE 42.

Orbital Assets

The Star Army of Yamatai established a "Guriddo" Defense System as part of the Gensou System Defense Plan laid out by Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko in YE 42. The system includes:

OOC Notes

Andrew created this article on 2020/02/26 11:17. Approval Thread

Places of the SARPiverse
Place Categoriesplanet
Risk Levelsafe