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YC05-Gyōkai System

One of the first few systems discovered by the Colonization Initiative Alliance fleet. Since their arrival in the Kosuke Sector, in YE 45. This is a shared system, used by the mining groups.

About the System

YC05, or Gyōkai system, was a system in the Kosuke Sector discovered by Colonization Initiative Alliance fleet. It was the fifth System discovered by the fleet. With the vastly available metal and the possibility of gemstone ore being found in the system’s planets and asteroids in addition to the water and other gas resources. The system was picked as a potential industrial system for their group. They further expanded on the resource capability of the system by creating a network of Daikoku-Class Agricultural Ship with all of its variants forming a large chain, to absorb the star’s solar energy.

As for the planets and asteroids, the fleets multi-mining organizations were allowed to mine these resources.


Since the arrival of the Colonization Initiative Alliance fleet in Kosuke Sector. They’ve discovered [number] systems with many planets. Though this one, was after the system with the crashed ship and the Mishuu and Aquatic alien corpses, in addition to the system, the Shiori was found in. But they were looking for a new home, somewhere they could settle and use as their new capital, as well as potential sites for resource gathering1). So when the system designated YC-05 was discovered and they saw how many resources they could get from it. The system was designated as an industrial-based system.

The Star was later discovered2) to still be young enough, so they set up another Daikoku Network in the system for food production. Though the designation was YC-05, some have taken to calling it Gyōkai instead, as it was home for many.

System Info

Below is the information about the System.

Star Data

The Gyōkai Star is a K3 V Orange Main Sequence star, characterized by its orange hue and position in the main sequence of stellar evolution. This star serves as the radiant heart of the YC05-Gyōkai Star System, providing the energy that sustains the planetary bodies within its gravitational embrace.

Ranks Description
Name K3 V Orange Main Sequence
Type 6.21 x 105 km (0.89 x sol)
Mass1.55 x 1030 kg (0.78 x sol)
Temperature4500 K
Luminosity 1.13 x 1026 W (0.29 x sol)

Resource Area

The YC05-Gyōkai Star System boasts a rich abundance of resources, providing a fertile ground for exploration and development. From mineral-rich asteroids to lush planetary surfaces, this region offers a diverse range of valuable materials. In this section, you'll find detailed information about the key resources found in the Resource Area of YC05-Gyōkai, including their locations, extraction methods, and potential economic significance. Whether you're a miner, trader, or researcher, uncover the wealth that awaits in the Resource Area of YC05-Gyōkai.

Gyokai A

Gyokai A is the innermost planet to the Gyōkai Star. As the closest celestial body in the system, it experiences intense solar radiation and exhibits unique characteristics.

Ranks Description
Name 2
Type Rock World
Orbital Radius 150 million km (93 million mi)
Period 24 hours
Radius 7221.19 km
Gravity 11.97 m/s2


Rich in metals that could be made into Durandium, various other metals

Gyokai B

Following Gyokai A is Gyokai B, a rock desert planet. This arid world is characterized by rocky landscapes and desert expanses.

Ranks Description
name 3
Type Rock, desert, Planet
Orbital Radius1.13 x 108 km (0.76 AU)
Period 6.53 x 103 hours
Radius 7225.17 km
Gravity 11.68 m/s2


Rich in metals that could be made into Durandium, various other metals, as well as gemstones, from the rarest to the most common. The same goes for the metals, from the rarest to the most common in some cases can be found here.

Gyokai C

Gyokai C is a gas giant, dominating the middle reaches of the Gyōkai Star System. This colossal planet is rich in nitrogen, hydrogen, water vapor, and various other gases and metals.

Ranks Description
Planet 4
Type Gas Giant 3)
Orbital Radius 1.02 x 1011 km (683.24 AU)
Period 1.20 x 108 hours
Radius 27423.08 km
Gravity15.21 m/s2
Special10 small moons


Rich in metals that could be made into Durandium, various other metals, as well as gemstones, from the rarest to the most common. Additionally, water can be found on this gas giant, for water needs4)


Clusters of astroids, that lead and follow, waiting to be picked clean of resources5) that float lazily in space between the planets. With an Orbital Radius of 0.72 Astronomical Units, These asteroids appear dark, to the naked eyes, but bright on certain scans. Some parts are shiney as the light is reflected off of ice, most are composed of Class C Asteroids.

Ranks Description
thing asteroid
metal rich in metal
Type asteroid debris


Rich in metals that could be made into Durandium, various other metals

Gyokai D

Gyokai D is a rocky world nestled between the gas giant Gyokai C, and an asteroid belt, and the rest of the planets in the system. This unique positioning has likely influenced its geological features and environmental conditions.

Type Rock Planet
Orbital Radius1.91 x 108 km
Period1.43 x 104 hours
Radius4947.50 km
Gravity7.64 m/s2


Rich in metals that could be made into Durandium, various other metals, as well as gemstones, from the rarest to the most common. The same goes for the metals, from the rarest to the most common in some cases can be found here.

Asteroid 2

Clusters of astroids, that lead and follow, waiting to be picked clean of resources6) that float lazily in space between the planets. With an Orbital Radius of 0.72 Astronomical Units, These asteroids appear dark, to the naked eyes, but bright on certain scans. Some parts are shiney as the light is reflected off of ice, most are composed of Class C Asteroids.

TypeAsteroid Belt
Orbital Radius2.83 x 108 km (1.89 AU)
Period2.57 x 104 hours


Rich in metals that could be made into Durandium, various other metals

Gyokai E

Gyokai E is the second-to-last of the rocky planets in the YC05-Gyōkai Star System. Positioned in the planetary lineup, Gyokai E presents its own set of characteristics and features.

Type Rock Planet
Orbital Radius1.91 x 108 km
Period1.43 x 104 hours
Radius4947.50 km
Gravity7.64 m/s2


Rich in metals that could be made into Durandium, various other metals, as well as gemstones, from the rarest to the most common. The same goes for the metals, from the rarest to the most common in some cases can be found here.

Gyokai F

Gyokai F marks the final rocky planet in the YC05-Gyōkai Star System. Situated as the border between the cold planets in the outer reaches and the rocky worlds, Gyokai F holds a unique position in the system.

Type Rock Planet
Orbital Radius1.91 x 108 km
Period1.43 x 104 hours
Radius4947.50 km
Gravity7.64 m/s2


Rich in metals that could be made into Durandium, various other metals, as well as gemstones, from the rarest to the most common. The same goes for the metals, from the rarest to the most common in some cases can be found here.

Gyokai G

Gyokai G is the first of four ice worlds closer to the outer edges of the YC05-Gyōkai Star System. As an ice world, it is characterized by frozen landscapes and icy terrains.

Type Ice Planet
Orbital Radius5.18 x 108 km (3.47 AU)
Period6.38 x 104 hours
Radius15615.14 km
Gravity7.62 m/s2


While closer to the core there are traces of metal, the planet is covered in ice. As a result of this, water is the major resource that can be found on the planet. Those mining should wear environmental suits with their tools.

Gyokai H

Gyokai H is the second of four ice worlds closer to the outer edges of the YC05-Gyōkai Star System. As an ice world, it is characterized by frozen landscapes and icy terrains.

Type Ice Planet
Orbital Radius8.89 x 108 km (5.94 AU)
Period1.43 x 105 hours
Radius22992.31 km
Gravity11.95 m/s2
Special2 small moons


While closer to the core there are traces of metal, in addition to the two moons. The planet is covered in ice. As a result of this, water is the major resource that can be found on the planet. Those mining should wear environmental suits with their tools.

Gyokai J

Gyokai J is the third of four ice worlds closer to the outer edges of the YC05-Gyōkai Star System. As an ice world, it is characterized by frozen landscapes and icy terrains.

Type Ice Planet
Orbital Radius1.93 x 109 km (12.87 AU)
Period4.57 x 105 hours
Radius15329.10 km
Gravity8.94 m/s2


While closer to the core there are traces of metal, the planet is covered in ice. As a result of this, water is the major resource that can be found on the planet. Those mining should wear environmental suits with their tools.

Gyokai K

Gyokai K is the fourth ice world closest to the outer edges of the YC05-Gyōkai Star System. As an ice world, it is characterized by frozen landscapes and icy terrains.

Type Ice Planet
Orbital Radius3.68 x 109 km (24.57 AU)
Period1.21 x 106 hours
Radius23554.82 km
Gravity13.22 m/s2
Special4 small moons


While closer to the core there are traces of metal, the planet is covered in ice. As a result of this, water is the major resource that can be found on the planet. Those mining should wear environmental suits with their tools.

RP Opportunities

RP (Role-Playing) opportunities within the YC05-Gyōkai Star System can offer diverse and engaging scenarios for players to explore. Here are some RP opportunities you can incorporate:

Scientific Exploration Missions

Players can take on the roles of scientists or explorers participating in missions to study the unique features of Gyōkai's planets. This could involve discovering new species, analyzing atmospheres, or investigating geological formations.

Interplanetary Colonization

Role-play the establishment of colonies on one of the rocky planets. Players can develop infrastructure, address challenges related to extreme environments, and interact with a diverse community of settlers.

Space Tourism Ventures

Create a storyline where space tourism has become popular, and players can role-play as tourists or guides, experiencing the wonders of the Gyōkai Star System. This can include visits to different planets, space stations, or even a luxury resort in orbit.

Trade and Commerce

Develop a narrative around trade routes and economic activities within the star system. Players can take on roles as traders, negotiating deals between planets, and navigating the challenges of transporting goods through space.

Environmental Challenges

Role-play the consequences of extreme environments on the planets. Players may need to address issues such as harsh weather conditions, seismic activity, or other environmental challenges that impact daily life and survival.

Technological Advancements

Develop a narrative around technological advancements within the star system. Players can take on roles as inventors, engineers, or researchers working on cutting-edge technologies that shape the future of space exploration.


The Daikoku Network, a fleet of Daikoku Agriculture starships within the YC05-Gyōkai Star System, presents exciting RP (Role-Playing) opportunities. Here are some ideas to explore:

Agricultural Colonization

Players can take on roles as pioneers and settlers involved in the establishment of agricultural colonies on various planets within the star system. This could include cultivating crops, managing livestock, and addressing challenges unique to each planetary environment.

Supply Chain Management

Role-play the logistics and supply chain operations of the Daikoku Network. Players can take on roles as logistics officers, cargo pilots, or supply managers, ensuring the smooth transportation of agricultural products between different planets and stations.

Scientific Research and Development

Characters can be part of the research and development team within the Daikoku Network, working on innovative agricultural technologies to enhance crop yields, adapt plants to different environments, or develop sustainable farming practices in space.

Pest Control and Environmental Challenges

Create scenarios where players face challenges such as pest infestations, plant diseases, or environmental factors affecting agricultural productivity. This could lead to collaborative efforts to find solutions and protect the food supply.

Culinary Exploration

Role-play characters involved in culinary exploration and experimentation with unique crops from different planets. This could lead to the discovery of new flavors, recipes, and the creation of signature dishes that reflect the diversity of the star system's agriculture.

Trade and Commerce Negotiations

Characters can engage in trade negotiations and agreements with other factions, colonies, or civilizations within the star system. This could involve bartering agricultural products for resources or collaborating on joint ventures.

Mystery in the Crop Fields

Introduce a mystery storyline where certain crops exhibit unusual properties or behaviors. Characters can investigate the mystery, uncovering hidden secrets or extraterrestrial influences that impact the agricultural activities of the Daikoku Network.

Farmstead Dramas

Explore interpersonal relationships and challenges within agricultural communities. Players can take on roles as farmers, botanists, or support staff dealing with personal dramas, community disputes, or even romantic entanglements.

Emergency Response and Natural Disasters

Develop RP scenarios involving emergency response teams within the Daikoku Network. Characters can deal with natural disasters, such as meteor strikes, extreme weather events, or agricultural emergencies, requiring quick and decisive action.

Space Farming Competitions

Organize space farming competitions within the Daikoku Network. Players can participate in friendly competitions to showcase their agricultural skills, exchange knowledge, and build camaraderie among the farming communities.

Local Rumors

OOC Notes

Charaa created this article on 2023/09/11 15:16 using the namespace template.

Approved by Wes on March 10 2023 at 12:19 pm

Map Locations
Map to UseKosuke Sector
Map Display NameYC05-Gyokai
Map Coordinates294, 1688
Map ImportanceMinor RP Location
Map Marker
Show label?yes
Marker AnchorBottom Left
Places of the SARPiverse
Opened/Settled (YE)YE 45
Place Categoriesstar system
Risk Levellow
Food, metal, gems, water, etc.
Rich in, Nitrogen, Hydrogen, water vapor and other materials
filtering recommended
5) , 6)
and secrets