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In the vastness of space, some things remain constant, and one of those is the simple, comforting appeal of milk. Whether you're a battle-hardened soldier or a civilian exploring new frontiers, milk is the universal language of nourishment and comfort across the Star Army universe.

Price: 1 KS per liter of typical, natural milk.


As long as there have been civilizations, there has been milk. In the early days of the Star Army, milk—derived from various terrestrial animals—served as a staple for crew members on long voyages. As technology and exploration advanced, the Star Army discovered new sources of milk from alien creatures and even developed synthetic versions. Today, milk in the Star Army is a blend of tradition and technology, offering a variety of options to suit any palate or dietary requirement.


Milk in the Star Army universe is incredibly diverse. It comes from a wide array of sources: terrestrial animals like cows and goats, exotic alien creatures, and even lab-grown synthetic variants. Star Army standard-issue milk is typically fortified with essential vitamins and minerals, making it an excellent source of nutrition for soldiers and civilians alike.

Beyond traditional white milk, you'll find flavored options like chocolate, strawberry, banana, melon, and even some more exotic varieties.

Nekovalkyrja Milk

Alongside traditional terrestrial and synthetic options, Nekovalkyrja, a bio-engineered race allied with the Star Army, are also known to be a source of milk. This Nekovalkyrja-produced milk is rich in specific nutrients and has its own unique flavor profile, making it a sought-after option for those in the know. It's rare and expensive because it's only produced in a sort of “gig economy” way in places with a large Nekovalkyrja population like Kyoto where Nekovalkyrja use it as a side hustle to earn extra cash.

Dairy Producers

These are some known sources of milk in the Star Army setting:


The versatility of milk makes it a staple across various aspects of life:

OOC Notes

Wes created this article on 2023/09/03 07:47.


Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesdrinks
Product Namemilk
Price (KS)1.00 KS