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A drug created and manufactured by Advancer Enterprises, it entered Advancer's pharmaceutical catalog in late YE 45. Venaline is a specialized medication that acts primarily on the venous system, particularly beneficial in managing venous insufficiency and related conditions.

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Year Created: YE 45
Designer / Manufacturer: Advancer Enterprises
Nomenclature: AE-N13
Price: 10 KS per 50mg/10ml vial


Venaline was developed in the latter half of YE 44 to address the growing issue of venous disorders, particularly in aging populations that refused to resleeve into younger bodies and those with sedentary lifestyles. The project was led by Dr. Soren Kael, a vascular surgeon with a background in pharmacology. Dr. Kael and his team aimed to create a medication that could offer a targeted solution for venous insufficiency, thereby improving the quality of life for millions suffering from this condition.

After a series of successful animal trials, Venaline was fast-tracked for human clinical trials. The results were overwhelmingly positive, showing a marked improvement in venous tone and a significant reduction in complications related to venous insufficiency. By late YE 45.


Venaline is engineered to improve venous tone, effectively reducing the diameter of dilated veins and restoring the normal function of venous valves. The standard dosage is 50mg, administered intravenously. Each 10ml vial contains a concentration of 5mg/ml, allowing for precise dosage adjustments based on individual patient needs. The drug aids in the improvement of blood flow back to the heart, reducing venous stasis and subsequent complications like varicose veins, leg ulcers, and deep vein thrombosis. This action is particularly valuable in managing chronic venous insufficiency, a condition characterized by poor blood flow in the veins, typically in the legs.

Side Effects

While Venaline is generally well-tolerated, it is not without its risks. Common side effects include mild gastrointestinal upset, such as nausea and abdominal discomfort. In rare instances, the drug can induce allergic skin reactions, such as rash or pruritus. Patients with existing liver disease should exercise caution, as the medication can potentially exacerbate symptoms. This necessitates regular monitoring by a healthcare professional, with liver function tests conducted periodically to assess the drug's impact.


An overdose of Venaline poses a severe risk of exacerbating liver disease symptoms. The overdose threshold is approximately twice the recommended dosage, at 100mg. Immediate medical intervention is crucial, typically involving liver function tests and supportive care to mitigate the effects of the overdose.

OOC Notes

Demibear created this article on 2023/10/09 23:34.

Approval Thread:

Star Army Logistics
Supply ClassificationClass J - MEDICAL BIOLOGICAL
Drugs, Medicines, and Pharmaceuticals
Drug Name(s)Venaline
Route of Administrationintravenous (IV)
Drug ClassCardiovascular
Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesdrugs
Product NameVenaline
ManufacturerAdvancer Enterprises
Year ReleasedYE 45
Price (KS)10.00 KS