The Iron Company Standard Uniform or ISCU is a military uniform used by the Iron Company beginning in YE 43.
The Standard Uniform costs 40 KS and is issued and made by the Iron Company. It was phased out in YE 45 for the newer Stiener Era Uniforms as Tacho has taken to calling them, but Company still maintains stockpiles of them as a case of “waste not, want not.”
The ISCU's design dates back to before the founding of the company as the original Hunter's uniform was a set of tan loose fitting khaki pants with a short button up four pocket jacket, weather proofed high cut boots, and a kepi, or forage cap with a cloth that can cover the sides and back of the head and neck, with a wool trench coat issued and a winter toboggan cap for cold weather climbs. Small clothes were also issued, and either white or tan t-shirt was worn underneath the jacket.
While little has changed from the original uniform, the short four pocket jacket was eventually replaced with a longer version that came down just below the waist with an attachable hood, and the boots had a leather covering added to the front. The kepi was eventually replaced as well by a field cap-a soft hat with a stiff, rounded visor. A utility belt was added to be worn around the jacket The color was also changed, with the jacket being the dark blue, green for Sentinels, and dark gray pants. Toboggan and trench coat were still issued for cold climates.
The outer layer of the jacket1) is made from a windproof cotton sateen using herringbone cloth. The inner layer is made a similar material, and includes a simple cotton liner between the inner and outer layers to provide some moderate protection from cold. Though jacket is also water resistant-though it can be soaked through over time. The collar is adjustable, with a button-able neck-flap to provide additional protection from the cold, along with a hood that can be buttoned to the collar. The jacket is a button up, and comes down below the waist stopping at the upper thigh.
The jacket also features four deep pockets-two located on the chest, and two located on lower part of the uniform. Lapels are included on the shoulders, one on each side, though these seem to serve little purpose. The jacket also has a set of draw strings located along the inside to adjust it to the wearers size. The jacket can be adjusted out to 51” if needed.
The pants themselves are made out of khaki material that consists of a a 20/80 mix of wool and cotton. The pants themselves have six deep pockets, one on each side of the waist and two on each pant leg, located on the upper thigh and lower leg respectively, and they are secured by a button-able flap. The pants come with a sturdy cloth belt to with a steel belt buckle to help hold them up
A utility belt made up of an elastic polymer is also included and uses a clip buckle with a metal covering to mitigate damage. This contains many small pouches and compartments to hold ammo, canteen, rations, medical supplies, etc,.
The standard trench coat included in the original uniform is also present, but taking advantage of one of the many of the advanced materials available in the Kikyo Sector it is now made up of Bulletproof wool around an inch and a half thick. This can act as a form of makeshift armor when a soldier does not have proper protective gear(Teir 1 light anti-personnel, Damage rating V3). The coat itself it button up and can be adjusted with a simple cloth belt, though the utility belt can also be used in a similar manner. The coat has two pockets on the outside below the waist on each side and the toboggan is made up of a similar material.
The uniform is available in dark blues and gray, jacket in blue, the khaki pants in gray, though sentinels are dark green and gray. Though they may be colored in camouflage depending on the environment.
The uniform is worn as following; small clothes first-socks, underwear, etc. The shirt and pants are donned next, along with the leather belt included. The jacket is typically worn over the shirt, usually buttoned up, but the soldiers are allowed to leave it open when off duty or when in the field depending on the weather.
The utility belt belt is also worn around the upper waist around the outside of the jacket, though some soldiers choose to wear it diagonally across their chest. The trench coat is worn over the uniform. Boots go on the feet, leather flap covering closed. Cap goes on the head, same as toboggan when issued.
As the materials are durable, they can either be machine or hand washed, though special care must be taken not to accidentally shrink the uniform in whatever it is dried in. Usually is hang dried depending on weather and location.
Commissar Farzi created this article on 2021/02/23 19:50.