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Request For Fenyar's Admission To The YSE

Proposal #68: Request For Fenyar's Admission To The YSE was submitted by Nanaha in Senate of Yamatai in YE 28 where it passed on the 2nd filing to a vote of 5 Yay / 2 Nay.


1. To refile my previous request that the Fenyaro people be deemed Imperial citizens. I have made no modification to the provisional requests due to no major motions for a rewrite. As such, they are relisted below.


  1. The Fenyar government wishes to remain autonomous. We will adhere to Imperial rulings, but otherwise we would like to self govern our people.
  2. The Fenyar government would also like to keep our system of commerce. Exchange rates would be issued and proper trade locations would be added.
  3. The Fenyar government, due to issues best left silent, would like to request a ban on Imperial technology from being allowed on Fenyaro soil. Excluding the means of transit on and off the planet.

I would like to add that these provisions and the request itself would not require that Bill #66 - Proposal for Low Tech Relations with Planet Fenyar be either reworded or nullified.

OOC Notes

Proposal #68: Request For Fenyar's Admission To The YSE and Refiling Proposal #68 was written by Cora on 1 Jun 2005 and 19 Jun 2005. Kim created this article on 2018/01/06 15:25.