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Na-S/Sh-01 Zachitnik-class Shuttle

The Zachitnik shuttle is a large, tough shuttle designed for the Star Military of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia's Marine corps and Navy for the transport of personnel and supplies. Several variants are in production, including a cargo model, a troop transport, a mobile command center, a more luxurious model for VIP transport, and finally a transport for civilian and military prisoners.

Prototype of an a Model Zachitnik

About the Ship

A simple and reasonably priced shuttle to fill a long-standing gap in the Nepleslian armada.

Key Features

Mission Specialization


Big, green, and boxy has served the Nepleslian military well for quite some time, and if the Zachitnik is any indication, the trend hasn't ended. A long, green vessel with a somewhat recessed cockpit and a sizable folding ramp on the rear, under the raised engine. There's an airlock of the port side, just aft of the cockpit.

History and Background

The SMoDIN has been without a first-party intership transport since its inception, either relying on souped up civilian models or surplus vehicles acquired from Yamatai or Sol. With the increasing pushes towards independence within the Nepleslian military from other nations, and demands from many officers within both arms of service, NAM finally decided a shuttle was long overdue, and the Zachitnik entered production midway through the first quarter of YE 31.

Statistics and Performance


Class: Na-S/Sh-01a
Type: Heavy Shuttle
Designers: NAM
Manufacturer: NAM
Production: Mass Production for a, b, and d models, limited production for c
Fielded by: Star Military of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia, Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia, Nepleslian police




Length: 24 meters
Width: 10 meters
Height: 3.5 meters
Decks: 1

Propulsion and Range

Continuum Distortion Drive: 10000c
Hyperspace Fold Drive: N/A
Sublight Engines: .2c
Range: 1 - 12 LY, depending on load
Lifespan: Theoretically 40 years
Refit Cycle: Routine Maintenance once every year

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.

Inside the Ship

Compartment Layouts


a/c Models

A small and simple, yet comfortable, area with one seat for the pilot, painted in standard Nepleslian colors. The control console features a joy stick and throttle for maneuvering, as well as a console for assisting in hyperspace travel navigation and more in-depth interaction with the AI. There's also a handheld receiver for the communications system and intercom. The view panel in front of the pilot's area is a transparent durandium window, with fuel levels, speed, radar, and other necessary information projected over the sheet with a simple volumetric system, with the layout customizable by the pilot. On the starboard wall of the room in the a Model, behind the pilot's area, is the volumetric control console for the gravitic/ magnetic systems in the floor of the cabin.

b/d/e Models

Much like the cockpit of the a and c models, the b, d, and e Model Zachitnik shuttles differ in that they're slightly more cramped due to the addition of a second seat, side by side with the pilot's. The second seat serves to control mounted weapons on the vessel. The volumetrics on the view screen are also different, with radar moved to the gunnery console, as well as a far less customizable HUD, mandating at least 70% of the screen, the entire center, be cleared to decrease distraction and obstruction of vision for the pilot. The gunnery console has ammunition levels as well as remote viewing for the various weapons systems on the vessel provided by hardwired cameras. The gunner's seat also features a neural uplink for the gunner to assist with aiming and firing.


a Model

A large, empty space painted with the standard green floor and ceiling alongside the white walls, intended for cargo as opposed to comfort. The floors are rather interesting, as both a magnetic and an anti-gravity field can be activated in certain sections to assist in loading and unloading cargo, controlled by a console in the cockpit. Two long comfortable benches are at the front of the cabin for the crew to relax or sleep on. There's also a flip-down large screen television in front of the benches.

b Model

The cabin for the b Model is painted in standard Nepleslian fashion. Four rows of long seats stretch from the fore to the aft of the compartment. Although they're usually covered with a comfortable memory foam cushion, these can be flipped easily back into the seats in case the vessel is required to transport armored troops.

c Model

The c Model's cabin is much like that of the a Model, although the magnetic field capability has been removed, and a number of power outlets are spread throughout the room, as well as hardline outlets for the ship's communications equipment. The floor also has a number of divots that allow for less precarious installation of tables.

d Model

The cabin of the d Model Zachitnik is actually divided into several rooms. The rear folding ramp serves as a hallway, which makes passage between the rooms somewhat difficult when open. Two rooms are comfortable, if small, lounges, each with a bed, large television, computer console, and minibar. A third serves as a conference room with volumetric displays and comm uplinks.

e Model

The cabin of the e Model contains up to forty small, armored stasis pods for transport of criminals, which is the only visible difference from that of the a Model. The pods are capable of creating a mental backup of the prisoner and executing them in the case of an attempted jail break.

A small restroom with two chemical urinals and one stall is located at the fore of the ship, just behind the cockpit and opposite the storage/ armory compartment.

Storage/ armory

A small walk-in closet, just across from the bathroom holds various supplies, including a Na-M/M-01 'Victory Vat' and the necessary chemicals for synthesis of food. Most models also feature a locked gun rack.

Ship Systems

Armored Hull and Hull Integrated Systems

Nerimium Armored Hull

The Zachitnik is protected by a thick Nerimium hull, provided the vessel with defense from plenty of threats.

Durandium Skeleton

The armored hull, interior walls, and various systems are all supported by a simple Durandium skeleton.

Computers and Electronics


Advanced Command/Combat Executive AI

Communications Module


A simple, yet effective, communications suite with basic radio, laser, and limited subspace transmission and reception capabilities. Effective Ranges

Advanced (c Model only

A noticeably more powerful suite is present on c Model vessels, with more powerful equipment, including an uplink to the InterNep. Effective Range

Emergency Systems

Fire Suppression System

Automated extinguishing foam dispersal devices are mounted on the ceiling, and activated in the event of an emergency.

Power Systems

NAM Fusion Generator

A simple, yet powerful, fusion generator provides the vessel with all its power needs. Two large Palladium cylinders provide the generator with fuel, and are easily refilled.

Life Support Systems

Air Scrubbers

A number of vents pull in and release air through the ship's air-scrub systems, removing harmful agents and periodically replenishing the air supply.


Slower than Light

NAM Plasma Impulse Drive


NAM Gravitic Distortion Drive


Faster than Light

NAM Continuum Distortion Drive

Continuum Distortion Drive

Shield Systems

Electrostatic Shield System

A standard electrostatic repulsion field protects the Zachitnik from both debris and weaponry. Not especially powerful.

Weapons Systems

Note: Only b, d, and e Models are equipped with weaponry