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Sumanâpa Punla (Making Family)

This page describes one of the Devotopai (Rituals) of the Poku Saeruo Degonjo.

Ritual name Sumanâpa Punla
Meaning making family
Pronounced: sū-măn-āpă pūn-lă

Sumanâpa Punla is the marriage ritual for the Poku'vonai. Prior to the ritual, the current members of the family and the prospective new spouse perform the Oma fofipa (Making self clean) ritual. A supervising member of the Kyn Lumu'ai Jael (Lore Keepers Sect) then begins the ceremony with a speech about the family, its accomplishments, and its status in the Clan. They then speak about the prospective spouse and their accomplishments, as well as those of their family.

The individuals to be married then exchange a gift of daggers, which signify that from this point forward, they protect each other.

Next, the Detis Goa'ai Jael (Faith Walkers Sect) asks for the blessings of Siamaka upon the union. The ancestors of the Family and the intended spouse are also called upon for their blessings and guidance. The individuals being married can either use traditional vows, or request to make their own.

At the end of the ritual, the Detis Goa'ai Jael (Faith Walkers Sect) bind the paws of the spouses-to-be with a loosely-tied lapurnium (sash) in the family colors. The members hold their bound hands up to show to those present that they are now one family.

Traditionally, many other members of the family's Ruoka (House) attend the event itself, or the celebration held afterward.


Marriages can be undone by the Ânamuspa Punla (Breaking Family) ritual.

Differences for Tula

In the Tula version of this ritual, the sash is replaced with a Jodauvit (Think Plant).

OOC Notes