Table of Contents

Vonaieano'ka (City State)

The Sotâka Ruomâqi (World Station) of the Poku Saeruo Degonjo is divided into twelve autonomous regions. the name of each region corresponds to one of the Wunyaka Vonai (Ark) that brought the Clan to its present home. In many cases, that very same ark is docked beneath the section of the station named for it. These regions are called Vonaieano'ka (meaning City State in their language).

Each Vonaieano'ka has its own atmosphere, power, and water systems. The infrastructure of each City State is isolated as a precaution in case of contagion. In the event of an outbreak of disease, all connecting air ducts and passages are sealed, and only Otâmovi Wiy Jael (Silver Moon Sect) members may move between two states during the lockdown.

It is not unusual for a member of the clan to live out their lives in a single Vonaieano'ka. Each is twenty miles deep and spans a 30% arc of the station. They are two hundred decks tall, giving them a ceiling of 2624 feet, or 800 meters.

# Name
1 Âmuar (Dream) - Deployed to a Colony on Âmuar (Dream) in YE 35
2 Kyanorgo (River)
3 Âtoma (Heart) - Deployed to a Colony on Âtoma (Heart) in YE 36
4 Âmuso (Hope)
5 Meqpâ'a (Prowler)
6 Vithui (Forest)
7 Yekloka (Crystal)
8 Yomesou (Death Hawk)
9 Vithuika (Jungle)
10 Yleg'ka (Avenger)
11 Ismâo'ka (Quest)
12 Matu'ka (Great Bear)

Common Features

Each City State has a unique layout, but there are some common features shared by each. They are as follows:

Assembly Spire

This impressive structure stands 609 meters (2,000 ft) tall. It is the single tallest building in each City State. The Assembly Spires house the Tanoi (Council) offices for the Vonaieano'ka, as well as the administration offices. Atmosphere control and oversight are housed in this structure as well.

The Park

Every City State maintains at least one large public park. Each is a large, natural-looking area that provides an aesthetic beauty reminiscent of the Otâgolisoy (Birth world). Many feature rocky outcroppings for climbing, a wide variety of trees, shrubs and flowering plants, water features, grassy areas, and walking trails.


Located at the outward edge of each City State are cooperative farming ventures. These farms produce a wide variety of food for the City State. Clan members who work full-time, or who donate time to the farm, receive a share of the crops or profits. Tula commonly work these farms, though some Qaktoro are agriculturally-minded as well.

Tram System

There are a number of tram stations that move residents and resources around the city state. There are also five World-Station-wide tram stations to allow transport throughout the whole of the station.

Commerce District

This is the area of the City State where the tradespeople, artisans and other professionals ply their trades in various Jopalelpi (Businesses). This district is also where Wapointe (Healing) facilities are located.

Residential District

This area is divided into different classes of living areas.

Designation Type Examples
Brown Common lowest ranking, typical of new couples, or starting families
Orange Common medium, the common folks, most population
Red Common upper ranking, predominantly well established families
Gold Elite highest ranking, smallest population

Local Government

Each City State has an elected local government.

OOC Notes