Table of Contents

Class: Tra'she
Type: Barge
Designer: Dushi'she
Manufacturer: Shukara Armaments and Manufacturing
Fielded by: Kingdom of Neshaten
Organizations using: Kingdom of Neshaten, Shukara Volunteer Navy, Youth Corps
Production: 4
Price: 40,000,000,000 Rn
Crew: 1,500
Emergency Capacity: Provided there is no cargo, the vessel can hold up to 60,000 individuals - although life support systems would be stressed
Length: 2.6 Kilometers
Width: 1 Km
Height: 900 Meter
Propulsion and Range
Atmospheric Speed: 3,300km/h
Sublight Engines: 1.85c
FTL: .4 y/m
Durability and Maintenance
Service Lifespan: Five years
Refit Cycle: When needed
Damage Capacity
See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.
Hull: 100 SDR
Shields: 50 (Threshold 4)
Internal Compartments
Command Neshaten Fleet Bridge
Damage Control Damage Control Center
Hallways/Conduits Standard Hallways, Maintenance Conduit
Crew Cafeteria Prefab Cafeteria and Lounge
Crew Lounge Observation Lounge
Living Area Prefab Crew Deck
Cargo Storage Main Cargo Hold
Food Storage Food Storage
Armory Storage Armory
Medical Bay Large Medical Center
Science Bay Small Scientific Research Labs, Astrometrics Lab
Computer Room Large Computer Room
Shield Room Shield Control Room
Engineering Bay Large Engineering Bay
Systems Information
Superstructure Dishe'trum with juie_yehe for reinforcement
Armor Plating Kithiulum
Reactor Lunabaren High-Energy Reactor, Lunebaren Reactors provide back up power.
Computer and Sensor Systems Cordecon Quantum Computer, Neshaten Scanner Array Suite.
Weapon Systems Os'hane Combat Systems, Universal Turret Mounts
Life Support Systems Atmospheric Control Systems
Emergency Support Systems Emergency Support System, K1-25 Escape Pod.
Propulsion Class 2 Luxiton Gravitic Engines
Defense Systems 2xTa'tagen Field Generator
FTL Class 4 Kres'tronova Fold Drive
Turret Mount Information
Light Turret Mounts
1000×1 Construction Cranes
500×1 Repair Arms
300×1 Manipulator Arms
Medium Turret Mounts
200×1 Construction Cranes
100×1 Repair Arms
Heavy Turret Mounts
100×1 Multipurpose Manipulators
Assault Turret Mounts
5×1 Multipurpose Manipulators

Tra'she Construction Barge

Designed during the same time that the Shil'ashe Orbital Ring was conceived, the Tra'she is one of the largest, and longest, non-combat civilian vessels created in the Kingdom and was put into service in EE 002-v.


The vessel appears to be a long, semi-spear like shape with a rear-facing cut-away that houses the vessels primary engines. Much of the ships dorsal and ventral hull is covered in manipulator arms, making it appear to be a rather ugly looking craft when up close.

Hanger bays are located on the sides of the craft and allow for vessels both shuttles, transports, and construction pods to easily enter and exit the ship. There are four protruding towers on the vessel, all four are designed to be used by construction foremen to more easily coordinate efforts.

The ships main command centre is located rear of the ship, while a secondary command centre is located on the ventral hull and provides an observation view of 'below' the vessel.

There are a number of construction bay entries located on the ventral hull, each one has several recessed armoured doors that can be deployed to protect from battle or from other disasters in space.


The Tra'she is a very long, large, and well armoured civilian construction barge intended to be used for the construction of large-scale space stations; or even, to serve as a secondary construction yard for larger vessels. The ships shear size would make it appear to require a large crew, but in reality, the ship has a large deal of automation built into it requiring a crew of roughly half that of a normal ship of this size. The ship was built with nearly fifty different industrial centres each one purposefully designed to handle a specific task; whether it is constructing armour plating, structural reinforcements, or just regular wiring. The vessel utilizes numerious Graviton System's in order to control construction blocks in space, or to pull damaged ships into its berths.

Because of its operational mission, the hull of the ship is heavily armoured and reinforced to withstand asteroid impacts or collisions with vessels and other debris; this means that theoretically it can serve as a last ditch defence against enemy weapons fire. Multiple placed shield generators on the hull and built internally add to the ships defence and capabilities, tractor beam emitters placed along the vessels hull allow it to tractor in heavily damaged vessels or regular debris to either be repaired or dismantled. Also, due to its specially designed hull, it is capable of going underwater. It is also the only civilian vessel to date that is equipped with Kithiulum heavy armor.

Despite being considered a construction barge, it is capable of handling multiple tasks - including running limited operations as a mobile shipyard or even repair dock. However, because the vessel wasn't exactly designed for such a task, it is typically only called to perform them if needed.

Incidently, even though the vessel lacks the power generators to operate as a combat ship, its large number of turrets means that it can re-outfitted for a combat role; but such a feeat is considered to only be warrented in an emergency situation due to the vessels civilian classification.


The Tra'she is a vessel conceived by Neshaten engineers in ER 762, however, technology at the time didn't allow for such a large scale vessel to be constructed not only due to the lack of available materials but also because of the cost of such a vessel wasn't attainable. This changed in EE 001-v with the introduction of the Kith'sobashen Class, and Neshaten engineers realized that they not only had the means but also the capability of building such vessels; thanks to this the Engineers brought out the old drawing and concepts for the Tra'she and got to work on designing the vessel.

Engineers realized however that the old concepts needed to be updated, the ship had to be longer and 'taller', in order to accommodate the needs of the Kingdom; although an odd request from the monarchy resulted in the vessel containing very large cargoholds that could hold a large amount of materials - more so than what would be needed really to keep the vessel in operation. An engineer going by the name of Dushi'she named the vessel after his daughter, whom died of cancer, her name meaning 'build', it was considered to be a fitting name for a vessel designed for that exact purpose.

However, the amount of materials needed to construct just one of these vessels along with the specialized equipment that goes into them meant that only four could be built; although one disappeared shortly after completion.

Mission Directive

The Tra'she is designed to provide assistance in large-scale construction projects; or to provide on-site repair assistance to damaged vessels. Its size means that it can repair two Kith'sobashen Class at once by having one located on the dorsal and another on the ventral areas.

Unique Internals

This lists the internals that are unique to this vessel.

Internal Construction Bays

Located throughout the vessel are construction bays used either to make prefabricated components for construction sites 'or' which can be used to build starships, fighters, shuttles, even ground vehicles like cars and tanks.

Unique Systems

The following details sytems found only on this class of ship.

Multipurpose Manipulators

Specialized manipulators that are capable of being used either for construction or repair work, these kinds of manipulators are operated manually and are comprised of reinforced structural supports in order to allow them to handle heavy duty work in atmosphere.

OOC Notes

Kyle created this article on 2015/11/26 13:30.