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Lune'ctre'esss Bomber

Class: Multi-role Bomber
Type: Bomber
Designer: Lune'ctre'esss Uiii'ashe
Manufacturer: Shukara Armaments and Manufacturing
Fielded by: Kingdom of Neshaten
Organizations using: Kingdom of Neshaten, Shukara Volunteer Navy
Production: Depend on fleet
Price: 288,000 Rn
Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Bombardier, Two Gunners, One Mechanic
Emergency Capacity: 8
Length: 25 meters
Propulsion and Range
Atmospheric Engines: 621 kp/h
Durability and Maintenance
Service Lifespan: thirty years
Refit Cycle: When needed
Damage Capacity
See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system. These numbers are a combination of the two currently available modules.
Hull: 30
Shields: 30 (Threshold 4)
General System Components
Superstructure Dishe'trum
Armor Plating Cynestran, Crynatorium
Weapon Systems Os'hane Combat Systems
Landing Gear Landing Claw
Reactor 2x Lunebaren Reactors
Defense Systems 2xTa'tagen Field Generator
Life Support Atmospheric Control Systems
Command Systems Digital Counter Sign System
Internal Compartments
Crew Lune'ctre'esss Crew Module
Bombing Lune'ctre'esss Bombing Module
Weapon Type
Check Modules

The Lune'ctre'esss Bomber was designed by the Neshaten to serve multiple-bombing roles and was put into service in EE 002.

About the Lune'ctre'esss

Designed in EE 001, and put into service in EE 002, the Lune'ctre'esss was built to serve as a multi-purpose bombing platform, capable of carrying out a number of different kinds of bombing operations such as high and low altitude and saturation bombings, just to name a few. The Lune'ctre'esss is divided into two separate sections, one being the crew module and the second being the bombing module; the crew module houses the bombers crew while the bombing modules housing the crafts entire payload.

The bomber has two high-powered, medium range, railgun that give it the ability to engage slow moving targets or to serve as a dedicated sniping platform when not actually bombing. The crafts two gravitational engines give it a modest speed and turn radius comparable to that of a heavy assault fighter.

Because of its mission, the Lune'ctre'esss is equiped with heavy armor plating, providing it with increased survivalability during combat.


This lists the bombers features

Mission Directives

The following is a list of mission directives.

Saturation Bombing

The Lune'ctre'esss is capable of dropping large payloads of bombs on targets, allowing to cover an area roughly half a mile in radius with bombs, this kind of a bombing method is designed to hit multiple targets in a row and not really intended for precision bombing.

Low Atmospheric Bombing

Although the Lune'ctre'esss is of a decent size, its profile and hull design allows it to execute low-atmospheric bombing; which means it can fly under the sensors of enemies up to one hundred feet off the ground in an effort to attack targets before a counter-response can be executed. This kind of bombing is used by the navy for attacking targets of opportunity or to reduce the number of an attacking enemies force before a main attack is launched.

High Atmospheric, Precision Bombing

High Atmospheric Precision Bombing turns the Lune'ctre'esss into an almost stationary bomber, allowing it to drop precision bombs onto specific targets - such as infrastructure or other station assets, not ideal for moving units unless the bomber is equipped with bombs that have a guidance system. Unfortunately this method of bombing makes the Lune'ctre'esss vulnerable to enemy patrols, since once stationary it'll take time to move.

Anti-Starship Assault

While the bomber always has a small number of anti-starship torpedoes on-board, this particular directive actually means that its entire bombing load is replaced strictly with torpedoes, this changes the bomber from being primarily a ground based assault weapon into one used against starships.