Table of Contents

Support Structure

The Netrunu'marol has an extensive support structure that is needed in order for the organization to function properly. This structure includes various material and financial supports from front companies and people located in various governmental divisions and even the military to funnel items to the organization.


The Netrunu'marol has a variety of assets that can be exploited, including contacts in the military for getting them explosives and also ships that can be used to smuggle explosives into ports. The organization has safe houses where their members can hide, and can use a cities transportation system to great effect in their everyday activities.

Perhaps, one of more important assets, are people who are sympathetic to their cause that work in the news media that can interrupt news casts to broadcast their own messages.

Financial Support

The Netrunu get a lot of their funding from underground activities and backroom deals, but also from front companies that help funnel money to them. There are accountants in practically every business that helps to funnel at least a small amount of funds, that which won't be noticed.

Front Companies

The organization uses a variety of front companies not just to hide their identity but also to help generate revenue for the organization. Some of these fronts companies include small warehousing, land management, health clinics, even schools or hospitals.

Material Support

Most of their material support comes from police and military sympathizers and those who work in the shipyard and manufacturing areas. Sometimes in order to get bigger items such as vehicles and military hardware, accidents are staged that causes the loss of this hardware while it is being transported, such as transports crashing into the water - which allows the organization to recover those items for their own usage.

Firearm Assets

Firearms are often provided to the organization via military traitors or officers whom agree with the organizations message. Some firearms are also funneled through the various firearms companies and gun stores that are located throughout the Kingdoms. The transfer of firearms is cloaked in secrecy using elaborate schemes to make these weapons either disappear from stockpiles without others knowing, or to cause shipments of said weapons to be destroyed and then salvage those that survived.

Starship Assets

Starships are often seized either in raids and stolen from military bases, but the organization also outfits civilian freighters for combat duty. Like with Firearms, ships that of high value such as Warships, have their shipping contracts intentionally altered so that the ships are sent to areas that the military either has a light presence or none at all, but the contracts themselves are altered in a way that most military logistics might not notice the alterations until it's too-late.

However, the Organization mainly get's its ships through raids.


The Netrunu'marol get a lot of their recruits thanks to an already high amount of resentment toward the Daur and My'leke that has existed for thousands of years, however, sometimes the organization 'pushes' others to join, this is done through Propaganda and setting up events that can inflame opinions against the Daur or the My'leke, such as staging murders.

Their main forms of recruitment are propaganda and selected framing murder, but the organization does have other means; such as traditional 'word of mouth' or just waiting for people to come to them.


Propaganda comes in the form of racial broadcasts that shine a bad light on the Daur or the My'leke by showing them as either attacking or killing Laibe.


When the organization finds a prospect who is 'interesting' or someone who might contribute a lot of to the team, a member or hunter will stage a murder by framing a Daur or My'leke. In short, the organization murders a family member of the prospect and frames a local Daur or My'leke by placing items used in the murder or even placing the person’s blood on them.