Table of Contents

'VESPA' Particle Accelerator System

Designed, developed, and deployed by the Lorath Matriarchy, the 'VESPA' or Variable Emission Subatomic Particle Accelerator is a multiple application technology package intended for integration and application into a range of equipment produced during and after YE 36.

About 'VESPA'

Developed as a follow-up upon a broad range of technologies and equipment developed by the Lorath Matriarchy, and direct affiliates1), the 'VESPA', or Variable Emission Subatomic Particle Accelerator package has been developed for the purpose of producing and manipulating a range of subatomic particles for a variety of purposes depending on the application of the VESPA system.

Technical Information

In the most simple definition, the VESPA is a particle manufacturing and acceleration suite. Though, to elaborate, the VESPA uses a set of technologies developed for a range of applications, which have been brought together into one suite to achieve one key goal; the production of a substantial volume of subatomic particles, which are accelerated and routed to a desired application.

Particle Production

Particle production in the VESPA is achieved through the use of an external power source which is used to supply power to an energy-to-matter converter system. While in most applications by third parties outside of the Lorath Matriarchy, an energy-to-matter system is used almost exclusively for positron or electron production, the Lorath design team behind the VESPA decided to broaden their approach to the technology, for the purpose of producing a substantially diverse range of particles.

While the energy-to-matter system provides a fundamental backbone for the VESPA system, allowing for the production of composite particles, the genuine core function of the VESPA is the process of breaking down composite particles into their elementary particle components. Obtaining such component pieces from composite particles is achieved through the use of a combination of acceleration and manipulation methods which have been refined through Lorath weapon, shielding, propulsion research and development, in systems such as the UMC-GRA-E-S001 'Gammatron', Lorath Shield System Technology, and magnetic and gravitic propulsion systems. Upon the creation of composite particles, the produced particles are subjected to the required manipulation needed to effectively disrupt the fundamental interactions which adhere the elementary particles of the composite particle together. Granted, the elementary particle production process requires time, due to the physical process of particle manipulation, which has prevented the VESPA system from being used as a weapon or propulsion system in its own right. Once composite particles are broken down, their component elementary particles are able to be routed out of the VESPA system and to a given system for usage, or, to a particle capacitor, which retains the particles for use at a later time.

Particle Storage

As an extension of the VESPA system, particle storage is an important function which makes the VESPA system able to serve an effective role in high-demand applications such as electron scattering field emitters, or meson beam projection systems. Particle storage for the VESPA system is attained through a range of methods, varied to suit the particles which are being produced. However, as a 'catch all' method, VESPA systems incorporate an electro-gravitic system, which effectively regulates gravitational and electromagnetic particle interactions. However, for the regulation of particles which exhibit weak and strong nuclear force interactions, the most effective method of storage was to store the particles as hadrons, which would be manipulated via electro-gravitic manipulation prior to being routed to an intended demand application.

Function & Application

Through the process of particle production, the VESPA system allows for a range of new refinements to be made to technologies such as sensor systems, communication systems, medical imaging devices, and materials production. Due to the power demand of the VESPA, and the complexity of its components, it is unable to be fielded without the support of a high-output power system such as an antimatter reactor or Aether generator, and is unable to be produced in a form-factor compact enough to fit in small scale applications such as conventional fighters and shuttles.

Cautionary Note

VESPA units carry a distinctive potential for damaging consequences including but not limited to; nuclear explosion, matter/antimatter interactions, quark-gluon plasma reactions, baryonic decay, and space/time damage. Lorath Matriarchy advises that VESPA units are to be applied only to starships and stations, and not to planetary infrastructure.

Unit Information