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Sumanâjous (Robots)

Sumanâjous, or 'The Created', are the robots of the Poku Saeruo Degonjo.


The Clan has made historical use of non-sentient robotic workers since the time of their Qaktoro Empire more than eight centuries ago. The fall of their empire, however, decimated their industrial production ability, and in the lead-up to the Norka (The Exodus), all construction efforts focused on the creation of the Arks. Many robots, who had been essential in this very effort of building ships, were left behind in order to save space for living beings. A few of The Created remained in continuous use aboard the ships during the flight of the Norka.

The Sumanâjous were brought back into use by the Poku Saeruo Degonjo as part of the Otâgo'iâmai (New Worlds) effort in 754 CY YE 35. New robots follow some of the same time-tested design specifications that were in use back on the homeworld.


The Poku Saeruo Degonjo primarily uses its robots for construction projects. Robots are rarely used in combat, and if they do, it is often in a support capacity, carrying supplies and ammunition for Hunters. Nearly every ship of the Wotanu Abokatinka Poku (Clan Defense Fleet) employs at least one Servant Robot, given their utility, and many colonies have several robots assisting their building projects.


HS-MR1-1a - Servant Robot

The Obekâ'a Sumanâjous, or Servant Robot, is a multi-function utility robot meant to accomplish a wide variety of tasks. Its body is built like that of a Tula, with digitigrade legs and Tula-like metallic paws. This design allows the robot to function in areas where biological members of the Clan live and work. It is not terribly efficient at any one job, but instead can take on many different jobs throughout a given day without need for rest. Servant Robots operating on colonies as part of the Otâgo'iâmai (New Worlds) are given upgraded legs and feet that are capable of traversing planetside terrain.

Tasks the servant robots might be assigned to complete include: toxic waste clean-up, simple agricultural tasks, support for mining operations, scrapyard work.

HS-MR2-1a - Construction Robot

The Sumanâ Sumanâjous has a somewhat humorous name; it is the Creating Created, a Construction Robot. They are designed specifically for major construction projects where their work will be needed for more than a few weeks. They are heavy, dense, and terrifically strong, with squat and sturdy bodies and rounded heads. Designers do not bother giving these robots features similar to the Qaktoro or Tula. These robots, when operating on a Clan space station or on the Poku Movi Vamâqi (Clan Void Berth), are given a 'tank-tread' mode of transportation; that is, if they are not placed on a kind of rail-track or in a fixed position.

Construction robots are found wherever technology must be built, but they can also be employed for major demolition work, scrapping heavy parts. Construction robots can be paired with servant robots, who are more agile.

HS-MR3-1a - Hunting Robot

The Hatakur'te Sumanâjous, or Hunting Robot, is designed to accompany individual Hunters on their operations planetside, or aboard enemy ships or space stations. They resemble a small Qaktoro down on all fours, and they have a prehensile robotic tail. These robots are not combat-capable; culturally, the Clan tends to believe that living things should kill living things. Hunting Robots are instead meant to help carry heavy loads across diverse and difficult terrain. As they are not terribly stealthy, they typically remain far back from a hunting team, only arriving on-site when the prey has been slain, or when their supplies are needed.

Hunting Robots might carry food, water, extra weapons, tools and ammunition, or they may help with carrying salvaged parts or carcasses back to a Hunting party's ship.


The robots use systems based on the current Aorq'ka (Technology) of the clan. Even ancient robot frames are maintained and upgraded as parts become available.


All Clan robots use the Jodau Fiqorka (Module Brain), a deliberately-limited artificial mind believed to be incapable of attaining sentience. By YE 46, no Clan robot had ever been reported as becoming sentient.

OOC Notes