Table of Contents

:!: Discontinued. :!:

Tempelritter-class Frigatten

The primary anti-piracy vessel of the Abwehran Star Empire

About the Ship

A vessel built purely for escort missions and anti-pirating operations, the Tempelritter is a fast and deadly ship that has enough firepower to take on anything its size and lower with ease. Though not specifically tested, it is theorized that the Fregatten can only stand up to larger ships in squadrons. But since they were meant to escort larger ships into battle, the Fregatten will probably never have to face that scenario.

Key Features

Mission Specialization

The Tempelritter is specialized in escort and anti-piracy practices with its heavier weaponry.


A long, bulky, box-like ship with two engines at the rear attached to the dorsal and ventral sides of the ship. It has multiple protrusions where the weapons systems are located.

History and Background

With the design of a proper Patrol Craft/Anti-Missile ship completed, Kaizerlich F+E began work on a primier anti-pirating and escort vessel suited to the needs of the Empire. Though rare due to the heavy control on heavy water, pirates were a problem that needed to be dealt with. What they came up with was the Tempelritter Fregatten, a sleek and sturdy ship that was not only much more spacious than the Korvetten but also carried greater firepower needed to counter pirate vessels.

It wasn't long after completion of the prototype until the Fregatten was put to a battlefield test. A freighter bound to Abwehr from a mining outpost came under attack by a gang of pirates. With swift and brutal force, the Tempelritter prototype not only made it in time to halt the pirates boarding operation, they were also able to capture the pirate ship and everyone onboard. Such a resounding success made the Weltraumflotte push for mass-production of the Fregatten immediately.

Statistics and Performance

Statistical Data


Class: Ay-F1-1a Type: Primary Escort / Anti-Pirate Patrol Craft Designers: Kaiserlich F&E Manufacturer: Abwehran Imperial Yards Production: Retired Fielded by: Weltraumflotte


Crew: 55 operators are required. Twelve Marines are also stationed for boarding purposes. Maximum Capacity: There are accommodations for 70 people. About 140 people can fit aboard in an emergency, but the ship would be extremely cramped.


Length: 150 meters (492 feet) Width: 27 meters (88 feet) Height: 40 meters (131 feet) Decks: 10 (4 meters each)

Propulsion and Range

Sublight Engines:

Range: 5 months, In-system only Lifespan: 30 years constant use Refit Cycle: Every ten years

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.

Inside the Ship


Located neary the Hanger Bay, the Armor holds enough weaponry for both crew and Marine complement on board. It also holds 12 Infantry Power Armor.


Far larger and more spacious compared to that of a Schwert-type bridge, a Fregatten has a maximum amount of four people on the bridge. The Captain traditionally sits in the middle with the pilot in front of him. The Sensors officer and Communications officer positions are split between two people who are positioned on either side of the Captain's chair.

Captain's Suite

As large as a standard room on most modern space warships, the Captain's Suite is as spartan and moderately furnished as the Schwert's Captain Suite.

Cargo Storage Areas

Located neary the Hanger Bay, the Cargo Storage Area is several times larger than those found on the Schwerts and able to fill tons of necessities.

Crew Quarters

Though the enlisted still live in basically barracks-style living quarters, it is no longer as cramped as the Korvetten. No longer do the officers have to share living space with the enlisted either. Instead, the Officers have their own barracks-style living quarters of there own. The Captain, as always, has his personal quarters due to his superiority in rank.

Crew Recreation

Now able to include more recreational equipment than the Korvetten, the crew of a Tempelritter have more ability to relax from their jobs than the crews of the Fregatten's smaller cousin.


hough only slightly larger than the Korvetten's Engineering, Engineering on a Fregatten is close to the same size as a Korvetten to maximize the engineering personnels ability to preform maintenance and battlefield repair on highly critical systems.

Maintenance Conduits

Small passageways that technicians have to crawl through, they are large enough for an adult Abwehran male to crawl on his hands and knees.


Unlike it's smaller cousin, the Tempelritter's corridors are slightly wider and more likely to be found on most modern naval vessels, though they are still spartan.


Larger than the Korvetten, the Galley and Lounge are still combined into one room to maximize space needed for more battle-critical systems. The Captain and senior officers have their own table on the Fregatten.

Medical Bay

More specialized medical facilities are incorporated into the Fregatten's design, instead of the basic medical station in a Korvetten's living quarters. With a professional physician onboard, the Tempelritter is usually the primary medical ship of any Korvetten squadron in case of a medical emergency.

Hanger Bay

Located ventrally about mid-ship, the Hanger Bay holds only one Schiffchen in its hold. It is small enough for only that one shuttle.

6. Ship Systems

Armored Hull and Hull Integrated Systems

The Tempelritter is built using the Tri-Layer Armor in combination with standard military hull and framework.

Hull-Integrated Systems

Airlock System

There are four docking ports on the Tempelritter Fregatten: two on each starboard and port. This enables the craft to dock to multiple ships at once, though it is mostly useful for carrying Korvetten.

Computers and Electronics

CU-23 Multipurpose Computer System

A powerful and robust computer system using the standard military processors connected via molecular circuits to connect to the various Data Storage and Displays on board.

Detection Systems
Communications Systems

Emergency Systems

Life Support Systems

The Tempelritter utilizes Unidirectional Gravity Plating to create artificial gravity on board and a standard recycling and filtration system for matters involving air and water purification.


The Tempelritter is equipped with two Ion Engines.

Shield Systems

The only shield available on the Tempelritter is the Hazard Shield System.

Weapons Systems

80mm Laser Cannon

Six units are located in pairs on the dorsal-starboard, dorsal-port, and dorsal.

Short-ranged Anti-Ship Missile Launchers

Three launcer clusters are located on the ventral side nearest the prow.

Short-ranged Anti-Fighter Missile Launchers

Eight launcher clusters set side-by-side in groups of four on both the port and starboard sides.

Gatling Laser Cannons

A group of twenty units strategically placed to cover all sides of the ship.

Anti-Missile Laser Emitters

A group of four units strategically placed to cover all sides of the ship.

7. Vehicle Complement