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:!: Obsolete. :!:

Raubvogel-class Abfangjäger

The primary interceptor of the Abwehran Armed Forces (AAF).

About the Ship

The first strike craft developed by the Abwehrans that could fight in both space and air, the Raubvogel was a dangerous vessel versus fighters in the air. But since it was the only vessel of it's type in space, it was mostly used in distraction tactics versus larger vessels.

Key Features

Mission Specialization

The Raubvogel is a specialized attack craft to intercept and destroy fast and maneuverable targets.


History and Background

With Capital Ship and Infantry requests being met more and more, other branches of the military began to suffer. The Navy and Air Forces of the Schirmherrschaft were still using some of the equipment left over from the Rebellion. The main problem was with the aircraft. The needs for new and more modern fighters could now be heard.

Kaiserlich F+E's response was the creation of a separate department for aerospace fighter design. The first design to come out of the department was for that of a Superiority Fighter for both air and space. The Raubvogel became the premier interceptor of the two combat military branches and is now stationed at every base and station.

Statistics and Performance

Statistical Data


Class: Ay-V1-1a Type: Space/Air Interceptor Designers: Kaiserlich F&E Manufacturer: Abwehran Imperial Yards Production: Mass-produced Fielded by:


Crew: One is required.


Length: 21 meters (69 feet) Width: 12 meters (39 feet) Height: 6.5 meters (21 feet)

Propulsion and Range

Sublight Engines:

Range: 4 days travel Lifespan: 25 years constant use Refit Cycle: Every Five Years

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.

Inside the Ship

Compartment Layouts


A single seat space configured for both two armed and four armed control schemes. The pilot is seated in a more reclined position compared to other pilot seats.

Storage Compartment

A space provided behind the pilots seat to store emergency supplies and provide cargo space for precious items when transferring to other bases.

6. Ship Systems

Armored Hull and Hull Integrated Systems

The Raubvogel is built using the Tri-Layer Armor in combination with standard military hull and framework.


Two pylons attached to the ventral side of the Raugvogel allows the fighter to detach its missile launchers for more maneuverability in an atmosphere.

Computers and Electronics

CU-23 Multipurpose Computer System

A powerful and robust computer system using the standard military processors connected via molecular circuits to connect to the various Data Storage and Displays on board.

Detection Systems
Communications Systems

Emergency Systems

Life Support Systems

The Raubvogel utilizes Unidirectional Gravity Plating to create an inertial dampening effect on board and a standard recycling and filtration system for matters involving air purification.


The Raubvogel is equipped with one Fusion Engine with one ramjet engines attached above the fusion engine.

Shield Systems

The only shield available on the Raubvogel is the Hazard Shield System.

Weapons Systems

Gatling Laser Cannons

Two units built-in to the prow on each side of the cockpit, these are defensive weapons against other strike craft.

Anti-Missile Laser Emitter

A single unit is placed upon the dorsal-rear section right between the cockpit section and engine section

Optional Hardpoint Attachments

Short-Range Anti-Fighter Missile Launchers

A cluster of four tubes per hardpoint can be fit onto the Raubvogel.

7. Vehicle Complement