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Mark II Combat Drone

Based upon the lessons learned with the Mark I Construction Drone, the Mark II Combat Drone was designed to act as a counter to strike craft while research for the next generation of fighter craft continues.

About the Ship

The star fighter has been a iconic figure of the Weltraumflotte since the Pirate Wars, but with technology being slow to catch up to demand designers have created a temporary substitute for star fighter in terms of defense. For this, the Mark II Combat Drone was born. With a limited range and use of Virtual Intelligence, the Mark II can only do simple missions such as station defense, standard recon, and close combat air support (under supervision). But it at least fills a vacancy until a proper manned vessel can take up the job.

Because of this, the Mark II was designed to be a cheap and rather disposable craft. Without the worry of a pilot, it can pull maneuvers most manned craft cannot and go into situations pilots would never or rarely risk. Since most vessels would carry a Artificial Intelligence Model of the Kesslinger Intelligent Operating System, Mark IIs are expected to act much like a swarm defending a nest rather than independent like fighters.

Key Features

The Mark II Combat Drone is the first unmanned combat drone that is capable in both air and space.

Mission Specialization

The Mark II Combat Drone is a defensive craft for large vessels or stations.


A very thin aerospace design, the Mark II's fuselage is long and thin with a camera system in the front that as a 270-degree few of its surroundings. It has two nozzles in the aft of with two boxy structures on either side of it to contain the atmospheric propulsion system under protective covers and the four Gatling Laser Cannons it has as its primary armament. The wing style of choice is a delta formation for its high-angle of attack and great speed capability.


History and Background

The Abwehran Armed Forces (AAF) have been demanding Kaiserlich F&E or advanced aerospace fighter designs since First Contact with Yamatai in the Second Quarter of AF 259 (YE 28). But due to an ever growing list of demands from all branches of the Abwehran Government, the researchers of Kaiserlich F&E have been overworked and understaffed for all their departments. So, in an effort to calm at least one demand upon them, researchers developed a temporary measure to fill the much needed gap in the Abwehran Armed Forces (AAF).

Thus, the Mark II Combat Drone was born in the First Quarter of AF 260 (YE 31). While not as capable as a manned aerospace fighter, the Mark II is at least a disposable reconnaissance and Close Air Support platform for both the Weltraumflotte and Schirmherrschaft. While mainly designed for space missions with the capability for atmosphere, a Mark II's Fusion Engines can be removed completely to make a purely atmospheric drone for the Schirmherrschaft to use.

Statistics and Performance


Class: Ay-O1-1a Type: Combat Drone Designers: Kaiserlich F&E Manufacturer: Abwehran Imperial Yards Production: Mass-Production Fielded by:


Crew: N/A


Length: 8 meters (26.3 feet) Width: 4.5 meters (14.8 feet) Height: 1.14 meters (3.7 feet)

Propulsion and Range

Atmospheric Engines: Mach 10 Sublight Engines: 0.35c (2547 Gs) Range: 4 AU from Host Lifespan: One year. Refit Cycle: Every Sortie.

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.

Drone Systems

Armored Hull and Hull Integrated Systems

While using military grade hull and military grade structure, the Mark II Combat Drone uses the old-style Tri-Layer Armor due to its cost effectiveness.

Computers and Electronics

Using a CU-23 model computer system, the Mark II Combat Drone has a Kesslinger Intelligent Operating System operating it. But since the drone operates under a Drone Virtual Intelligence Model, it must be control by an Artificial Intelligence Model from its Host Ship/Facility.



Power Generation

The Mark II Combat Drone has a two compact Fusion Reactors in its fuselage. One Reactor powers both its Fusion Engines while the other powers the rest of the Drone.


Two fusion engines propel the Mark II while it is in space. A couple of Hydrogen-powered Scramjets allow the Mark II to maneuver well in atmosphere as well, located in hidden compartments behind the Drachenhauch Gauss Gatling Cannons.

Shield Systems

A Hard Bubble Shield generator has been crammed into the Mark II's fuselage to give it more durability in combat situations.

Weapons Systems


Optional Weaponry is placed upon wing hard points. This may make it less maneuverable in atmosphere until they are detached.