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Wasp Drone

Not to be confused with the Wasp LSSR-01a

A simple if terrifying drone concept from the sadistic minds of Shasta No Sekai. Made for area denial as a simple but effective security system, or outright renewing the primal fear within all beings of the most aggressive and sadistic of all the hymenoptera family of insects. But driven instead by an artificial intelligence arguably smarter than most wasps.

Nomenclature: SW-O-W1
Purpose: Area denial, Sentry, Fodder
Price: 300 DA each


The Wasp is a multi-use drone detailed to look very much like its name, a giant wasp. Painted with glowing yellow Star Paint and powered by an Energy Cell it is an intimidating machine with the purpose of defending a territory from a singular hive of over twenty other drones or as a mobile harassment drone ordered remotely.

Like an organic wasp, it has a head with mandibles and two terrifying bug-like eyes. A thorax with two wings that sound terrifying when in flight as well as two Micro Laser weapons. And an abdomen with a massive stinger as long as a normal man's thumb capable of piercing clothing and light armor with the help of pneumatic pressure.

For other armaments, the Wasp is equipped with a massive stinger and a set of mandibles. That when needed can be used to cut through light clothing and armor in time for the abdomens pneumatic stinger to penetrate with the force of a powerful spike capable of driving through clothing and light armors like leather or kevlar, delivering a dose of powerful anesthetics numbing the sting first to make the body part almost useless and then potentially knocking them unconscious if stung again by the drone or another wasp depending on the species1).

Core Systems

The wasp is capable on moving on the ground by three pairs of short legs, The legs are lightly magnetic and can help the wasp cling to things such as metal buildings, signs, or its hive. For flight however, the wasp lifts itself with a set of thin carbon-based wings. That with the help of a small tilt-duct on the wasp's thorax for thrust allowed the drone to fly at speeds of up to 50 kilometers per hour (31mph).

This is all powered by an installed Meso Cell and two smaller Micro Cells for powering the drone and two small lasers that are mounted on the thorax.

The drone has an estimated ten hours of battery life when idle and consuming minimal power. But if performing power-intensive operations such as flying it can sustain flight for a maximum of one hour before the drone is grounded onto minimal power and can continue on its own power for fifteen minutes before it completely shuts down. During its critical final phase of power usage, it will seek out its hive or designated home point unless directed otherwise or under threat of destruction.

Damage Capacity

DrV3 rating
Armor T-1 Light anti personnel
Weapons T-1 Light anti personnel

see Damage Rating (Version 3)

The Wasp drone is manufactured from a light, easy to produce carbon composite that is essential to keeping the drone light enough to sustain flight and is reinforced with durandium links between the joints connecting the legs, head, and abdomen to its thorax.

All of the above leaves the drone rather fragile to weapons fire or blunt damage from handheld weapons like clubs, swords, and other such melee weapons and is easily disabled or destroyed if subject to these forces.


Powered off a single Meso Energy Cell for the drone itself the Wasp has two small Micro cells installed for a set of twin Micro Laser attached to its thorax that when hovering the Wasp can bring forward to bear and attack from a maximum range of fifty meters. The drone can fire its lasers each up to thirty times per Micro Cell, at a rate of fire of one hundred and twenty times per minute before the Micro Cells are too drained to continue firing.

Auxiliary Systems

The Wasp has a rudimentary AI based off simple logic. It will discern threats based on proximity to its hive or home point or pre-installed recognition of programmable identities that it should ignore or attack As well as pre-installed recognition of well-known types of weapons and armor. From there the drone will send information to its home point or hive for instructions unless programmed otherwise.

If ordered to attack, Depending on the threat, one or several drones will judge the threat and respond with an appropriate amount of force. The drones can be programmed to attack individuals with or without weapons and similar parameters. It can even be programmed only to attack targeted individuals, Though the individual must first be painted in some manner if the drone is being used remotely away from a hive.

The drones AI is programmed to either ignore Shasta Archeletta or treat her and Phage Nine Two B 92B-4561-8893 as a home point to be defended if encountered. This feature was patched into the AI's function on every new framework patch by the Mad Mutant2) and can corrupt the drones AI into not working if removed from the framework. No other reason was given for this patch other than a statement that the mad mutant intended to make sure she was never stung by one.

The drone(s) will treat a programmed home point (be it individual with a controlling device such as a DataJockey or such devices, Or controlled through a cybernetic remote interface) will follow the home point if moved or moving and will often perch or rest on the home point in a place such as the arms, shoulders, lap, etc. Moving occasionally to avoid being stationary to fire much like it would on its hive and to simulate much like a normal organic wasp would. While on a home point the drone will not sting, bite, or fire and will remain as docile as a lap-dog or pet.


The hive is included upon the purchase of twelve or more drones for an additional charge. The hive works as a durandium armored nest for the wasps, protecting them from the elements. And is also a massive solar charging bank that does away with the need to charge the Wasp(s) batteries by hand. Instead of leaving them independent and self-charging. When linked to a Hive, Wasps will rotate when fully charged across its surface on the hunt from trespassers into the installed area and will routinely fly patrols in a pre-determined circle around it up to a kilometer looking for trespassers into its guarded territory.

The hive is easily installed and can be accessed remotely to change parameters on its wasps' functions via any mobile device such as a DataJockey or dataslate that can connect to the hive and can enter an established password.


OOC Notes

Charmaylarg created this article on 2019/02/21 18:05.

Approved by Syaoran on 5/6/2019

an ID-SOL would obviously take more to bring down than a Minkan
upon purchase of twelve or more drones