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Ryu Shipping Lines

A direct-controlled corporation of the Ryu Keiretsu, Ryu Shipping Lines (RSL) is a Yamataian logistics and transportation corporation.

Company Statistics
Established YE 43
Leadership Ryu Yuna
Associated Factions Yamatai Star Empire
Headquarters Shenhong City


Ryu Shipping Lines is the current iteration of Ryu-Mizumitsu Clan owned subsidiaries that provided internal logistics services. But in the YE 43, it was decided to expand those services to the greater public. A large part of the decision was based on the Ryu Keiretsu's expansion into the Motoyoshi Colonial Sector. Existing ships the clan already owned were supplemented with additional vessels purchased from second-hand sources.


Ryu Shippping Lines is set up with the following departments:

Shipping and Logistics

The Shipping and Logistics department is responsible for the safe transportation of goods, both for internal use and commercial transportation. They are also responsible for charting safe shipping routes and managing the logistics fleet.

Routes typically go from a planet to the nearest cargo terminal owned by RSL. But direct routes also exist for the most common routes as well as special chartered services.

Container Manufacturing

Ryu Shipping Lines works with Ryu Heavy Industries to manufacture containers. They make and sale containers of the Standard Starship Cargo Containers standard and of their own designs.

Logistics Insurance

Working through Sakura Trust and Bank, Ryu Shipping Lines has a department dedicated to providing insurance, both internally and for commercial interests.

Fleet and Facilities

As of the beginning of YE 43, Ryu Shipping Lines owns the following vessels:

Ryu Shipping Lines owns a cargo terminal on Yamatai (Planet) and another in Murf.

OOC Notes

Demibear created this article on 2021/01/29 06:06.

This was approved by Andrew on 03/08/2021.1)