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Yugumo Sakura Serenity Haven

The Sakura Serenity Haven is a unique interior developed by the Yugumo Corporation in YE 45 for the Tengumo-Class Space Station.

History and Background

In YE 45, the Yugumo Corporation's Yugumo Fleetworks division sought to create spaces on the Tengumo-Class Space Station that would make the station more attractive and provide places for visitors and crew to unwind and get some rest and recreation. The Sakura Serenity Haven was developed shortly after the Yugumo Celestial Oasis. The Sakura Garden would be featured in a dome structure on the station and would become a place that could be enjoyed all year long, but also allowed Yamataians away from home to celebrate Hanami.

Product Information

The product information for the Yugumo Sakura Serenity Haven.

Sakura Serenity Haven
Year of Creation YE 45
Designer Yugumo Fleetworks
Nomenclature Type 45
Manufacturer Yugumo Fleetworks
Fielded by Yugumo Corporation,Yugumo Merchant Spacy
Availability Limited Production on Tengumo-Class Space Station Only.

Sakura Garden Dome

The Sakura Serenity Haven is a breathtaking and tranquil oasis within the Tengumo-Class Space Station. This exquisite space has been meticulously designed to replicate the serene beauty of a traditional Yamataian garden, complete with cherry blossom trees (sakura) that are in full bloom several times a year due to a carefully managed environment.

Dome Architecture

The haven is enclosed within a Transparent Durandium dome that allows natural sunlight from a nearby star to filter in, creating a serene and well-lit environment. The curved, glass-like structure gives inhabitants an amazing view of the space station's exterior. In locations where a natural star is unavailable, the structure can be fitted with the appropriate lighting.

Cherry Blossom Trees

The centerpiece of this haven is a collection of mature cherry blossom trees, their delicate pink petals falling gently to the ground. These trees are cultivated to maintain a perpetual state of bloom, symbolizing the timeless beauty of Sakura. The careful genetic alteration of the seeds for these trees along with the well-managed environment ensures they blossom several times a year, including during Hanami.

Koi Pond

Beneath the cherry blossom trees, a serene koi pond stretches out, stocked with colorful and graceful koi fish. The sound of trickling water from a traditional stone water feature adds to the calming ambiance.

Stone Pathways

Meandering stone pathways wind their way through the garden, inviting visitors to take leisurely strolls amid the cherry blossoms. The stones are meticulously arranged to form patterns that evoke a sense of Zen and balance.

Traditional Tea House

Nestled within the garden, there's a small traditional tea house with sliding paper doors and tatami mat flooring. Astronauts and visitors can partake in a Yamataian tea ceremony, savoring matcha tea and wagashi sweets.

Volumetric Starscape

During the onboard simulated night cycle, the dome's transparent panels transform into a volumetric starscape, simulating the night sky and celestial bodies. This mesmerizing feature adds a touch of wonder and surreal beauty to the garden.

Cultural Artifacts

Scattered throughout the haven are various Yamataian cultural artifacts, including stone lanterns, bonsai trees, and calligraphy scrolls. These elements contribute to the authenticity of the space.

Meditation Areas

There are dedicated meditation alcoves where visitors and crew can practice mindfulness and meditation amidst the natural beauty of the garden, fostering mental and emotional well-being.

Aromatherapy and Ambient Sounds

The air is subtly infused with soothing scents like cherry blossom and hinoki wood, while ambient sounds of nature, such as birdsong and flowing water, create a calming auditory atmosphere.

OOC Notes

Andrew created this article on 2023/09/27 13:56.

This article was approved by Wes on 2023/10/01.1)

Written with the help of ChatGPT. Art made by Andrew in Midjourney.

Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesinteriors
Product NameYugumo Sakura Serenity Haven
NomenclatureType 45
ManufacturerYugumo Fleetworks, Yugumo Corporation
Year ReleasedYE 45