The Shasta No Sekai Guass Hammer is a powerful Gauss weapon designed to be wielded by mecha, delivering devastating kinetic energy through the use of depleted thorium slugs. Manufactured by Shasta No Sekai Corporation, this weapon combines magnetic acceleration with depleted thorium ammunition to unleash incredible destructive force matched with the slow but reliable fire rate of an autocannon.
Guass Hammer | |
DRv3: | T4-8 Variable |
Purpose: | Anti Armor, Anti Mecha |
Range (Planetary): | 6,500m +/- |
Rate of Fire: | 120rpm |
Ammo: | SnS 35mm Guass Rounds |
Nomenclature: | Sw-M2-W4500 |
The Gauss Hammer was specifically developed to provide mecha pilots with a high-impact, long-range weapon capable of neutralizing heavily armored targets through saturation as compared to most of the corporation's reliance on alpha-strike style energy weapons.
The weapon's core functionality lies in its electromagnetic coil system, which generates a powerful magnetic field to accelerate the depleted thorium slugs to tremendous velocities. These slugs, composed of a solid durrandium core with a depleted thorium jacket, possess exceptional density and hardness, enabling them to penetrate even the most fortified armor.
The guass hammer is equipped with an intelligent targeting system, which interfaces with the mecha's Fairy Ai, providing precise targeting information. This allows pilots to engage distant targets with remarkable accuracy, maximizing the destructive potential of each shot.
The Guass Hammer comes in many forms as a weapon platform from smaller sawed off compact versions to rotary chainguns for heavy mecha, and others. But the standard variant is a long-barreled mass-driving guass cannon with a flared muzzle brake, compensating recoil ballet, and a large ammunition drum autoloader.
The development of the GH began in YE 44in response to the increasing demand for a long-range, armor-piercing weapon suitable for mecha warfare when an alpha strike proved too risky. Shasta No Sekai Corporation recognized the need to provide mecha pilots with a versatile weapon capable of engaging heavily fortified enemy positions and armor through consistent saturation.
Using depleted thorium as the primary ammunition for the Gauss Cannon was a no-brainer. The corporation's abundance of thorium, donated unknowingly by Hanako was chosen for its exceptional density and abundance.
Through meticulous engineering, the guass hammer was fine-tuned for optimal performance, ensuring the precise acceleration of the depleted thorium slugs to achieve maximum penetration and kinetic impact upon impact with the target. Extensive field testing demonstrated its effectiveness in neutralizing armored threats, making it a favored choice among mecha pilots in combat scenarios. It was completed in design and fielded as early as mid YE 45
Type | Damage |
35mm Incindiary: | T-4 Light Anti-Armor |
35mm Frag: | T-5 Medium Anti-Armor |
35mm HE: | T-6 Heavy Anti-Armor |
35mm Standard: | T-7 Light Anti Mecha |
35mm HEAP: | T-7 Light Anti Mecha |
35mm AP: | T-8 Medium Anti-Mecha |
Charmaylarg created this article on 2023/05/16 15:25.
Products & Items Database | |
Product Categories | weapons: vehicle mounted |
Product Name | SnS Guass Hamer |
Nomenclature | Sw-m2-w4500 |
Manufacturer | Shasta No Sekai |
Year Released | YE 45 |
DR v3 max | Tier 8 |