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Measurement Enhanced Testing Labs

Operating under various guises since Origin Industries's inception, this testing outfit was officially named during Origin's YE 45 reorganization.


Part of Origin Scientific Ventures, Measurement Enhanced Testing Labs or METL for short, have been around in some form or another since YE 29, from the first crew to build the test equipment inside the Raider-Class all the way to the present day. Utilizing specialized equipment and data processing, they use precision measurements to test how products handle in various environments and how they survive against different factors. While they were mostly brought together 'as needed' prior to YE 45, the reorganization made them into a permanent team, one which is proud to say it's had something to do with every single product Origin has made or sold in its history.


As the name suggests, METL is a testing lab that uses measurements to enhance product development. METL is also capable of studying long term effects, as well as differences between versions of an item by collecting and comparing data. Through the installation and monitoring of sophisticated measurement nodes, they can pinpoint problems so that design teams can fix them before they get to market, or even test repairs to make sure they are up to specification. METL has a proud heritage with Origin industries, and their personnel wear a special identifying patch, which lets them stand out on worksites. Additionally, METL technicians often have the highest security clearances available, as they can be tasked with working on secret projects.


METL is primarily tasked with testing Origin products and designs, but can be farmed out to other companies or even to government and military agencies for measurement, testing, and even conservation, restoration, and archeological purposes. Anything that needs to be measured, can be measured, and they are some of the best at doing it.

OOC Notes

Kai created this article on 2023/01/16 03:02.