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Origin Standard Frame Cockpit

In YE 33, Origin Industries sought to create a new cockpit system which improved on the shortcomings found in the cockpits of previous models. Pilot survivability was put on the top of the list, as was flexibility and modularity. The entire cockpit can be easily slid in and out of the frame for easy access to conduct repairs as well as quick entry and exit for pilots.

Outer Cockpit Hull

The outer hull is a cylinder composed primarily of Durandium Alloy molded over an ADNR latticework to provide flexibility and rigidity against blunt force trauma and kinetic energy attacks. A coating of Boreanium Alloy assists in ablating energy attacks, shedding off layers to keep the cockpit cool. Beneath the outermost shell is a ballistic gel backed with polymer weave that acts as a spall liner and acts as the last line of defense against incoming projectiles.

Inner Cockpit

The inner cockpit is where the Origin Standard Frame Control Harness or Origin M5 Control System is housed along with life support systems and whatever electronics modules are installed. The system is designed for ease of maintenance and repair. Entire modules can easily be slipped out and switched out instead of individually repaired to save time and costs. The interior also includes panoramic screens placed closely to the pilot; they cover all vectors that the pilot's head and eyes can turn to look while restrained into the seat. There are compartments under the seat and behind it to house a survival kit or other belongings.

Two Seat Configuration

With the Two Seat Configuration, the primary difference is the inclusion of a second seat behind the primary pilot's station. The second seat may be configured in many different ways. It may have another Frame Control Harness for multi-limb platforms, Haptic Volumetric control systems, and so on.

Life Support

Life support consists of air scrubbers, pressurized cabin, thermo-regulation, thermal shielding, radiation shielding and a gravmetric field to protect against graviton attacks and kinetic shocks. These systems are all powered by a single PUNCH safely tucked away from the pilot, and can all function so long as the PUNCH has fuel.

Emergency Ejection

The base of the cylinder that the cockpit rests inside of is a rocket motor and explosive charge. During an emergency ejection, the pilot's seat reclines so that the g-forces generated by the exploding charge and following rocket motor are applied 'downward', preventing whiplash and neck damage. When the cockpit has cleared the imminent blast zone of the exploding frame, an emergency beacon is activated for location and retrieval.

OOC Notes

Kai created this article on 2018/08/11 16:18.