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HONEY Fusion Turbine

The HONEY Fusion Thruster is a development of the HONEY Reactor products. They were designed in YE 42 as a more streamlined method of providing both power and propulsion to small craft, such as fighters and shuttles.

Designer: Origin Industries Fleet Yards
Nomenclature: OI-VX-GP4200/4201/4202
Manufacturer: Origin Industries
Fielded by: Origin Industries, Independent, Various


For many years, Origin simply fed the exhaust of a HONEY reactor through a nozzle or series of nozzles to provide propulsion for its craft. However, this added complexity and a need for a secondary thrusting system in order to provide propulsion which fed off of the main power generator. In YE 41, an idea was put forth to combine the two into a single, streamlined system.. Thus, development of the HONEY Fusion Thruster, or HFT, began.

Function and Design

The HFT functions exactly as a HONEY generator does, however, instead of plugs and ports being the primary method of extracting propulsion from the generator, a heavy fusion turbine is integrated directly into the structure, simplifying it and even allowing a modest boost in propulsion efficiency. While the HFT still retains a number of smaller plugs and ports to support auxiliary systems, such as extra thrusters or plasma-based systems, the weight and complexity of the unit as a propulsion system has been reduced.

HFT thrusters are available only in the three largest sizes of HONEY reactor:


The HFT system appears as a somewhat cylindrical generator body, which is covered in wires, lines, and pipes, and contains several outlet ports, which can be capped off or attached to auxiliary systems. At the back of the generator is a turbine assembly, which appears to be a barrel of similar size to the generator and which helps to provide both power and propulsion in a more efficient manner. This turbine barrel is typically capped off with a nozzle of some sort, the design and structure of which differs depending on application. Despite its outward appearance, the HFT assembly is usually not very notable, as they are usually integrated into the design of a craft and covered by the craft's fuselage or armor.

As with all HONEY reactors, the generator and turbine housings both glow a warm, golden honey color during optimal operation. The HFT system is more efficient at ridding itself of heat compared to a standalone HONEY generator and is therefore less likely to overheat.


The HFT is a mass-produced product that is typically integrated into the design of whatever craft it has been mounted on. Even so, the HFT is available aftermarket as an upgrade to an existing craft or for integration into a third party craft. HFT assemblies are slightly more expensive than their standard HONEY generator counterparts.

OOC Notes

Kai created this article on 2020/03/29 16:26.