No-L5-P3600 - NovaCorp Awa-Ryōshi Ion Drive

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The Awa-Ryōshi Ion Drive is NovaCorp's latest sublight propulsion system, and it became available in YE 36.

Each drive is powered by its own reactor such as the kind found in the NovaCorp Awa-Ryōshi Generator. However, the output energy and particles are channeled into the drive, instead of being used to create heat. The drive system uses a series of focusing magnetic fields that concentrate and accelerate to create thrust. Each drive has eight smaller nozzles which serve as vernier thrusters to make minor thrust corrections.

The Awa-Ryōshi Ion Drive is not intended for stealth use as it leaves a visible trail. Ships can pass through the tail without serious damage. Some electronic systems, sensors and communications may be impacted while passing through the trail. The drives emit a blue green glow.

Ion Drive

The drive can be used in atmosphere, but this is not recommended for landing and take off due to the risk to personnel and equipment.

The Awa-Ryōshi Ion Drive can be operated even if main power is out on the ship, as they have their own integrated power supply. However, they do require some form of computer control to operate.

OOC Notes