The Expanded Medical Bay supplied by Geshrinari Shipyards provides a place where a larger number of ship's occupants can receive medical attention.
A standard ship's door with a Ge-Y1-E3103 - Intercom System opens into the end of the bay. The room typically has five diagnostic beds, basic diagnostic equipment, and medicine cabinets. A desk with an integrated computer terminal, and a chair against the far wall. There is an isolation room where possibly contagious patients are kept.
It comes with a Ke-J1-E3301 - ACMU standard.
There is ceiling mounted lighting, as well as Ge-Y1-E3104 - Automatic Fire Suppression System dispersal nozzles through out the suite. The floor is covered in the standard floor covering for the ship.
For a fee of 1,500 KS customers can upgrade the medical bay with one or more civilian Ke-J1-E3102 ABMU at the time of purchase. After market installation costs 2,000 KS.
For a fee of 2,000 KS customers can upgrade the medical bay with one or more Emrys Industries Cellular Spray Bed.
For a cost of 1,500 KS customers can have a Portable Medical Scanner PMS-1C. For a cost of 150 KS a Medical Scanner Charging Station can be installed.