Table of Contents

Surface Penetrator-Artificial Diamond Rod

The 50 mm and 150mm Surface Penetrator-Aggregated Diamond Rod projectile was created by the Frontier Service Corporation for the Recoiless Gravity Cannon late in YE 39 and later for the Recoilless Graviton Howitzer in YE 41 for the purpose of surgical strikes against hardened targets.


History of the SP-ADR

Making its debut in YE 39, this projectile is a straight rod of aggregated diamond tipped with with monomolecular blade-like edges sheers through matter while channeling the massive kinetic gravitic pulse of its weapon to a similarly fine point. This munition was developed in response to the Mishhuvurthyar presence near Planet Osman and is specifically intended to be used for damaging subsystems, weapons, engines, etc. on a ship or similarly sized structure through the armor of enemies with dense plating or advanced materials. This projectile is officially made by only the most trusted associates in the Frontier Manufacturing Service and the plans are kept hidden within the massive collection of paper documents that are the FSC archives, however, it is not a difficult item to duplicate with the proper knowledge and tools.

General Information

This munition operates by channeling a graviton pulse into it rather than directly onto it's target. By doing this the pulse is not dispersed into the material struck, but rather it retains its kinetic power until striking a surface which is sufficiently dense or rigid enough to break the projectile. This drastically improves the weapons performance when enemies are hiding behind light cover or when their shields drop.

The following data is for the 50mm SP-ADR Projectile:

Nomenclature Fs-W1-W4200a
Alt. Nomenclature DR1 DR 2 DR 3 DR 4 DR 5 DR 6
By Damage Rating 8mm SP-ADR 10mm SP-ADR 13mm SP-ADR 8mm Long SP-ADR 10mm Long SP-ADR 13mm Long SP-ADR
Manufacturer Frontier Manufacturing Service
Fielded by Frontier Service Corporation
Availability Mass Production
Price Per Round DR1 DR 2 DR 3 DR 4 DR 5 DR 6
By Damage Rating 0.15 KS 0.30 KS .45 KS 0.60 KS 0.75 KS 0.90 KS

The following data is for the 50mm SP-ADR Projectile:

Nomenclature Fs-YV1-Z3901a
Alt. Nomenclature 50 SP-ADR
Manufacturer Frontier Manufacturing Service
Fielded by Frontier Service Corporation
Availability Mass Production
Price 50 KS

The following data is for the 150mm SP-ADR Projectile:

Nomenclature Fs-YM2-Z4100a
Alt. Nomenclature 150 SP-ADR
Manufacturer Frontier Manufacturing Service
Fielded by Frontier Service Corporation
Availability Mass Production
Price 150 KS

Ammunition Stats

These beautiful diamond cylinders are left in the rough in all but two areas, the hollowed out bottom and the dazzling tip machined into a series on monomolecular edged for the purpose of tunneling through matter as it flies. Loaders always tell the new guys, “if it's pretty, do not touch!” but to simplify things for public sale a polymer cap was added to the tips of PGP Munitions for the safety of people simply loading their rifle. Aside from the inherent danger of handling sharp items, the science driving these projectiles grant FMS graviton weapons the ability to pierce all manner of unarmored materials to hit targets taking cover and to penetrate the defenses of heavily armored enemies with the misfortune of shield failure.

Damage Rating Tier 1
Caliber 8 mm
Damage Description Kinetic
Effective Range Dependent on weapon
Muzzle Velocity .4C
Recoil Light for Personnel
Energy Source Gravitic pulse, electricity
Damage Rating Tier 2
Caliber 10 mm
Damage Description Kinetic
Effective Range Dependent on weapon
Muzzle Velocity .4C
Recoil Moderate for Personnel
Energy Source Gravitic pulse, electricity
Damage Rating Tier 3
Caliber 13 mm
Damage Description Kinetic
Effective Range Dependent on weapon
Muzzle Velocity .4C
Recoil Heavy for Personnel
Energy Source Gravitic pulse, electricity
Damage Rating Tier 4
Caliber 8 mm Long1)
Damage Description Kinetic
Effective Range Dependent on weapon
Muzzle Velocity .4C
Recoil Light
Energy Source Gravitic pulse, electricity
Damage Rating Tier 5
Caliber 10 mm Long2)
Damage Description Kinetic
Effective Range Dependent on weapon
Muzzle Velocity .4C
Recoil Moderate for PA
Energy Source Gravitic pulse, electricity
Damage Rating Tier 6
Caliber 13 mm3)
Damage Description Kinetic
Effective Range Dependent on weapon
Muzzle Velocity .4C
Recoil Heavy for PA
Energy Source Gravitic pulse, electricity

A cannon shell sized munition, this 50mm projectile is intended for use in the Recoiless Gravity Cannon.

Damage Rating Tier 9
Caliber 50 mm
Damage Description Kinetic
Effective Range(Atmosphere) +/-10 Kilometers
Effective Range(Space) +/-500,000 Kilometers
Muzzle Velocity .4C
Muzzle Blast 30 meters
Recoil Moderate
Energy Source Gravitic pulse, electricity

A much larger projectile, the 150mm SP-ADR is meant for the Recoilless Graviton Howitzer and is vastly more dangerous.

Damage Rating Tier 10
Caliber 150 mm
Damage Description Kinetic
Effective Range(Atmosphere) +/-50 Kilometers
Effective Range(Space) +/-1,000,000 Kilometers
Muzzle Velocity .4C
Muzzle Blast 100 meters
Recoil Heavy
Energy Source Gravitic pulse, electricity

OOC Notes

Rizzo created this article on 2018/01/02 20:55. Due to changes in rules and vision this article was entirely rewritten on October 5, 2023 by Rizzo to comply with modern standards and add numerous in-character improvements. Trust me, it's better this way.

This article was approved by Andrew on 2023/10/10.4)

Rizzo updated this article on 2023/10/11 19:08.

This article was approved by Andrew on 2023/10/175)

Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesweapons: ammunition
Product NameSurface Penetrator-Artificial Diamond Rod
NomenclatureFs-YV1-Z3901a, Fs-YM2-Z4100a
ManufacturerFrontier Manufacturing Service
Year ReleasedYE 39
Price (KS)50.00 KS
DR v3 maxTier 9
1) , 2) , 3)
Projectile is double the standard length